Title R131 - Administration
- Rule R131-1 - Procurement of Architectural and Engineering Services (§ R131-1-1 to R131-1-15)
- Rule R131-2 - Capitol Hill Complex Facility Use (§ R131-2-1 to R131-2-11)
- Rule R131-3 - Use of Magnetometers on Capitol Hill (§ R131-3-1 to R131-3-4)
- Rule R131-4 - Capitol Preservation Board General Procurement Rule (§ R131-4-101 to R131-4-1001)
- Rule R131-6 - Board Designation of Space (§ R131-6-1 to R131-6-4)
- Rule R131-7 - State Capitol Preservation Board Master Planning Policy (§ R131-7-1 to R131-7-5)
- Rule R131-8 - CPB Facilities and Grounds: Maintenance of Aesthetics (§ R131-8-1 to R131-8-7)
- Rule R131-9 - Art and Exhibits (§ R131-9-1 to R131-9-12)
- Rule R131-10 - Commercial Solicitations (§ R131-10-1 to R131-10-4)
- Rule R131-11 - Preservation of Free Speech Activities (§ R131-11-1 to R131-11-7)
- Rule R131-13 - Health Reform - Health Insurance Coverage in State Contracts - Implementation (§ R131-13-1 to R131-13-6)
- Rule R131-14 - Parking on Capitol Hill (§ R131-14-1 to R131-14-4)
- Rule R131-15 - State Construction Contracts and Drug and Alcohol Testing (§ R131-15-1 to R131-15-6)
- Rule R131-16 - Electronic Meetings (§ R131-16-1)
- Rule R131-130 - Health Reform - Health Insurance Coverage in State Contracts - Implementation
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
- Rule R131-1 - Procurement of Architectural and Engineering Services (§ R131-1-1 to R131-1-15)
- Rule R131-2 - Capitol Hill Complex Facility Use (§ R131-2-1 to R131-2-11)
- Rule R131-3 - Use of Magnetometers on Capitol Hill (§ R131-3-1 to R131-3-4)
- Rule R131-4 - Capitol Preservation Board General Procurement Rule (§ R131-4-101 to R131-4-1001)
- Rule R131-6 - Board Designation of Space (§ R131-6-1 to R131-6-4)
- Rule R131-7 - State Capitol Preservation Board Master Planning Policy (§ R131-7-1 to R131-7-5)
- Rule R131-8 - CPB Facilities and Grounds: Maintenance of Aesthetics (§ R131-8-1 to R131-8-7)
- Rule R131-9 - Art and Exhibits (§ R131-9-1 to R131-9-12)
- Rule R131-10 - Commercial Solicitations (§ R131-10-1 to R131-10-4)
- Rule R131-11 - Preservation of Free Speech Activities (§ R131-11-1 to R131-11-7)
- Rule R131-13 - Health Reform - Health Insurance Coverage in State Contracts - Implementation (§ R131-13-1 to R131-13-6)
- Rule R131-14 - Parking on Capitol Hill (§ R131-14-1 to R131-14-4)
- Rule R131-15 - State Construction Contracts and Drug and Alcohol Testing (§ R131-15-1 to R131-15-6)
- Rule R131-16 - Electronic Meetings (§ R131-16-1)
- Rule R131-130 - Health Reform - Health Insurance Coverage in State Contracts - Implementation