Title R708 - Driver License

  1. Rule R708-2 - Commercial Driver Training Schools (§ R708-2-1 to R708-2-21)
  2. Rule R708-3 - Driver License Point System Administration (§ R708-3-1 to R708-3-9)
  3. Rule R708-7 - Functional Ability in Driving: Responsibilities for Physicians and Drivers (§ R708-7-1 to R708-7-10)
  4. Rule R708-8 - Review Process: Driver License Medical Review Section (§ R708-8-1 to R708-8-5)
  5. Rule R708-10 - Driver License Restrictions (§ R708-10-1 to R708-10-4)
  6. Rule R708-14 - Adjudicative Proceedings for Driver License Actions Involving Alcohol and Drugs (§ R708-14-1 to R708-14- 11)
  7. Rule R708-16 - Pedestrian Vehicle Rule (Repealed) (§ R708-16-1 to R708-16-7)
  8. Rule R708-18 - Regulatory and Administrative Fees (Repealed) (§ R708-18-1 to R708-18-5)
  9. Rule R708-19 - Automobile No-Fault Self-Insurance (§ R708-19-1 to R708-19-5)
  10. Rule R708-20 - Motor Vehicle Accident Prevention Course Standards (§ R708-20-1 to R708-20-5)
  11. Rule R708-21 - Third-Party Testing (§ R708-21-1 to R708-21-13)
  12. Rule R708-22 - Commercial Driver License Administrative Proceedings (§ R708-22-1 to R708-22-3)
  13. Rule R708-24 - Renewal of a Commercial Driver License (CDL) (§ R708-24-1 to R708-24-2)
  14. Rule R708-25 - Commercial Driver License Applicant Fitness Certification (Repealed) (§ R708-25-1 to R708-25-2)
  15. Rule R708-26 - Learner Permit Rule (§ R708-26-1 to R708-26-4)
  16. Rule R708-27 - Certification of Driver Education Teachers in the Public Schools to Administer Knowledge and Driving Skills Tests (§ R708-27-1 to R708-27-5)
  17. Rule R708-30 - Motorcycle Rider Training Schools (§ R708-30-1 to R708-30-14)
  18. Rule R708-31 - Ignition Interlock Systems (§ R708-31-1 to R708-31-10)
  19. Rule R708-32 - Uninsured Motorist Identification Database (§ R708-32-1 to R708-32-5)
  20. Rule R708-34 - Medical Waivers for Intrastate Commercial Driving Privileges (§ R708-34-1 to R708-34-8)
  21. Rule R708-35 - Adjudicative Proceedings for Driver License Offenses Not Involving Alcohol or Drug Actions (§ R708-35-1 to R708-35-10)
  22. Rule R708-36 - Disclosure of Personal Identifying Information in MVRs (§ R708-36-1 to R708-36-6)
  23. Rule R708-37 - Certification of Licensed Instructors of Commercial Driver Training Schools or Testing Only Schools to Administer Driving Skills Test (§ R708-37-1 to R708-37-12)
  24. Rule R708-38 - Anatomical Gift (§ R708-38-1 to R708-38-3)
  25. Rule R708-39 - Physical and Mental Fitness Testing (§ R708-39-1 to R708-39-4)
  26. Rule R708-40 - Driving Simulators (§ R708-40-1 to R708-40-4)
  27. Rule R708-41 - Requirements of Acceptable Documentation, storage, and Maintenance (§ R708-41-1 to R708-41-12)
  28. Rule R708-42 - Driver Address Record (§ R708-42-1 to R708-42-6)
  29. Rule R708-43 - Verification of Personal Identifying Information by Depository Institutions (§ R708-43-1 to R708-43-6)
  30. Rule R708-44 - Citation Monitoring Service (§ R708-44-1 to R708-44-6)
  31. Rule R708-45 - Renewal or Duplicate License for Utah Residents Unable to Appear at a Licensing Office (§ R708-45-1 to R708-45-5)
  32. Rule R708-46 - Knowledge Test in Individual's Preferred Language (§ R708-46-1 to R708-46-5)
  33. Rule R708-47 - Emergency Contact Database (§ R708-47-1 to R708-47-4)
  34. Rule R708-48 - Ignition Interlock System Program (§ R708-48-1 to R708-48-17)
  35. Rule R708-49 - [Repealed] (§ R708-49-1 to R708-49-4)
  36. Rule R708-50 - Vehicle Impound Fee Reimbursement (§ R708-50-1 to R708-50-4)
  37. Rule R708-51 - Mobility Vehicle Permit (§ R708-51-1 to R708-51-7)
  38. Rule R708-52 - Air Pollution Mitigation Education Program (§ R708-52-1 to R708-52-4)
  39. Rule R708-53 - Driver Education Instructor Preparation Course Requirements (§ R708-53-1 to R708-53-10)
  40. Rule R708-55 - Foreign Driver License Reciprocity (§ R708-55-1 to R708-55-10)

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.