Title R728 - Peace Officer Standards and Training

  1. Rule R728-101 - Public Petitions For Declaratory Rulings (Repealed) (§ R728-101-1 to R728-101-5)
  2. Rule R728-205 - Council Resolution of Public Safety Retirement Eligibility (§ R728-205-1 to R728-205-4)
  3. Rule R728-401 - Training Academy Requirements (§ R728-401-1 to R728-401-6)
  4. Rule R728-402 - Application Procedures to Attend a Basic Peace Officer Training Program (Repealed) (§ R728-402-1 to R728-402-2)
  5. Rule R728-403 - Procedures for Certification (§ R728-403-1 to R728-403-8)
  6. Rule R728-404 - Basic Training Basic Academy Rules (Repealed) (§ R728-404-1 to R728-404-9)
  7. Rule R728-405 - Drug Testing Requirement (Repealed) (§ R728-405-1 to R728-405-4)
  8. Rule R728-406 - Requirements For Approval and Certification of Basic Correctional, Reserve and Special Function Training Programs and Applicants (Repealed) (§ R728-406-1 to R728-406-4)
  9. Rule R728-407 - Waiver/Reactivation Process (Repealed) (§ R728-407-1 to R728-407-5)
  10. Rule R728-409 - Suspension, Revocation, or Relinquishment of Certification (§ R728-409-1 to R728-409-18)
  11. Rule R728-410 - Guidelines Regarding Annual Statutory Training (§ R728-410-1 to R728-410-8)
  12. Rule R728-411 - Guidelines for Administrative Action Against Individuals Functioning As Peace Officers Without Valid Peace Officer Certification (§ R728-411-0 to R728-411-6)
  13. Rule R728-500 - Utah Peace Officer Standards and Training In-Service Training Certification Procedures (Repealed) (§ R728-500-1 to R728-500-17)
  14. Rule R728-501 - Career Development Courses (Repealed) (§ R728-501-1 to R728-501-6)
  15. Rule R728-502 - Procedure for POST Instructor Certification (§ R728-502-1 to R728-502-10)
  16. Rule R728-503 - Utah Minimum Standards for All Emergency Pursuit Policies to be Adopted by Public Agencies that Operate Authorized Emergency Pursuit Vehicles (§ R728-503-1 to R728-503-10)
  17. Rule R728-505 - Service Dog Program Rules (Repealed) (§ R728-505-1 to R728-505-10)
  18. Rule R728-506 - Canine Body Armor Restricted Account (§ R728-506-1 to R728-506-4)
  19. Rule R728-507 - Minimum Standards for Use of Force Policies to be Adopted by Public Safety Agencies That Employ Peace Officers (§ R728-507-1 to R728-507-12)
  20. Rule R728-508 - Police Service Patrol and SWAT Canine Training, Certification, and Recertification Standards (§ R728-508-1 to R728-508-6)

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.