Title R916 - Operations, Construction
- Rule R916-1 - Advertising and Awarding Construction Contracts (§ R916-1-1 to R916-1-7)
- Rule R916-2 - Prequalification of Contractors (§ R916-2-1 to R916-2-5)
- Rule R916-3 - Design-Build Contracts (§ R916-3-1 to R916-3-10)
- Rule R916-4 - Construction Manager/General Contractor and Progressive Construction Manager/General Contractor Contracts (§ R916-4-1 to R916-4-10)
- Rule R916-5 - Health Reform - Health Insurance Coverage in State Contracts - Implementation (§ R916-5-1 to R916-5-9)
- Rule R916-6 - Drug and Alcohol Testing in State Construction Contracts (§ R916-6-1 to R916-6-6)
- Rule R916-7 - Appeals to UDOT Decisions on, and Requesting Compliance with Nighttime Noise Permits (§ R916-7-1 to R916-7-4)
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.