12 Va. Admin. Code § 30-60-25 - Utilization control: freestanding psychiatric hospitals

A. Psychiatric services in freestanding psychiatric hospitals shall only be covered for eligible persons younger than 21 years of age and older than 64 years of age.
B. Prior authorization required. DMAS shall monitor, consistent with state law, the utilization of all inpatient freestanding psychiatric hospital services. All inpatient hospital stays shall be preauthorized prior to reimbursement for these services. Services rendered without such prior authorization shall not be covered.
C. All Medicaid services are subject to utilization review and audit. Absence of any of the required documentation may result in denial or retraction of any reimbursement. In each case for which payment for freestanding psychiatric hospital services is made under the State Plan:
1. A physician must certify at the time of admission, or at the time the hospital is notified of an individual's retroactive eligibility status, that the individual requires or required inpatient services in a freestanding psychiatric hospital consistent with 42 CFR 456.160.
2. The physician, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner acting within the scope of practice as defined by state law and under the supervision of a physician, must recertify at least every 60 days that the individual continues to require inpatient services in a psychiatric hospital.
3. Before admission to a freestanding psychiatric hospital or before authorization for payment, the attending physician or staff physician must perform a medical evaluation of the individual and appropriate professional personnel must make a psychiatric and social evaluation as cited in 42 CFR 456.170.
4. Before admission to a freestanding psychiatric hospital or before authorization for payment, the attending physician or staff physician must establish a written plan of care for each recipient patient as cited in 42 CFR 441.155 and 456.180. The plan shall also include a list of services provided under written contractual arrangement with the freestanding psychiatric hospital (see 12VAC30-50-130) that will be furnished to the patient through the freestanding psychiatric hospital's referral to an employed or contracted provider, including the prescribed frequency of treatment and the circumstances under which such treatment shall be sought.
D. If the eligible individual is 21 years of age or older, then, in order to qualify for Medicaid payment for this service, he must be at least 65 years of age.
E. If younger than 21 years of age, it shall be documented that the individual requiring admission to a freestanding psychiatric hospital is under 21 years of age, that treatment is medically necessary, and that the necessity was identified as a result of an early and periodic screening, diagnosis, and treatment (EPSDT) screening. Required patient documentation shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
1. An EPSDT physician's screening report showing the identification of the need for further psychiatric evaluation and possible treatment.
2. A diagnostic evaluation documenting a current (active) psychiatric disorder included in the DSM-III-R that supports the treatment recommended. The diagnostic evaluation must be completed prior to admission.
3. For admission to a freestanding psychiatric hospital for psychiatric services resulting from an EPSDT screening, a certification of the need for services as defined in 42 CFR 441.152 by an interdisciplinary team meeting the requirements of 42 CFR 441.153 or 441.156 and The Psychiatric Treatment of Minors Act (§ 16.1-335 et seq. of the Code of Virginia).
F. If a Medicaid eligible individual is admitted in an emergency to a freestanding psychiatric hospital on a Saturday, Sunday, holiday, or after normal working hours, it shall be the provider's responsibility to obtain the required authorization on the next work day following such an admission.
G. The absence of any of the required documentation described in this subsection shall result in DMAS' denial of the requested preauthorization and coverage of subsequent hospitalization.
H. To determine that the DMAS enrolled mental hospital providers are in compliance with the regulations governing mental hospital utilization control found in the 42 CFR 456.150, an annual audit will be conducted of each enrolled hospital. This audit may be performed either on site or as a desk audit. The hospital shall make all requested records available and shall provide an appropriate place for the auditors to conduct such review if done on site. The audits shall consist of review of the following:
1. Copy of the mental hospital's Utilization Management Plan to determine compliance with the regulations found in the 42 CFR 456.200 through 456.245.
2. List of current Utilization Management Committee members and physician advisors to determine that the committee's composition is as prescribed in the 42 CFR 456.205 and 456.206.
3. Verification of Utilization Management Committee meetings, including dates and list of attendees to determine that the committee is meeting according to their utilization management meeting requirements.
4. One completed Medical Care Evaluation Study to include objectives of the study, analysis of the results, and actions taken, or recommendations made to determine compliance with 42 CFR 456.241 through 456.245.
5. Topic of one ongoing Medical Care Evaluation Study to determine the hospital is in compliance with 42 CFR 456.245.
6. From a list of randomly selected paid claims, the freestanding psychiatric hospital must provide a copy of the certification for services, a copy of the physician admission certification, a copy of the required medical, psychiatric, and social evaluations, and the written plan of care for each selected stay to determine the hospital's compliance with §§ 16.1-335 through 16.1-348 of the Code of Virginia and 42 CFR 441.152, 456.160, 456.170, 456.180 and 456.181. If any of the required documentation does not support the admission and continued stay, reimbursement may be retracted.
I. The freestanding psychiatric hospital shall not receive a per diem reimbursement for any day that:
1. The initial or comprehensive written plan of care fails to include within three business days of the initiation of the service provided under arrangement all services that the individual needs while at the freestanding psychiatric hospital and that will be furnished to the individual through the freestanding psychiatric hospital's referral to an employed or contracted provider of services under arrangement;
2. The comprehensive plan of care fails to include within three business days of the initiation of the service the prescribed frequency of such service or includes a frequency that was exceeded;
3. The comprehensive plan of care fails to list the circumstances under which the service provided under arrangement shall be sought;
4. The referral to the service provided under arrangement was not present in the patient's freestanding psychiatric hospital record;
5. The service provided under arrangement was not supported in that provider's records by a documented referral from the freestanding psychiatric hospital;
6. The medical records from the provider of services under arrangement (i.e., admission and discharge documents, treatment plans, progress notes, treatment summaries, and documentation of medical results and findings) (i) were not present in the patient's freestanding psychiatric hospital record or had not been requested in writing by the freestanding psychiatric hospital within seven days of completion of the service or services provided under arrangement or (ii) had been requested in writing within seven days of completion of the service or services, but had not been received within 30 days of the request, and had not been re-requested;
7. The freestanding psychiatric hospital did not have a fully executed contract or an employee relationship with the provider of services under arrangement in advance of the provision of such services. For emergency services, the freestanding psychiatric hospital shall have a fully executed contract with the emergency services hospital provider prior to submission of the ancillary provider's claim for payment.
J. The provider of services under arrangement shall be required to reimburse DMAS for the cost of any such service billed prior to receiving a referral from the freestanding psychiatric hospital or in excess of the amounts in the referral.
K. The hospitals may appeal in accordance with the Administrative Process Act (§ 2.2-4000 et seq. of the Code of Virginia) any adverse decision resulting from such audits that results in retraction of payment. The appeal must be requested pursuant to the requirements of 12VAC30-20-500 et seq.


12 Va. Admin. Code § 30-60-25
Derived from Virginia Register Volume 14, Issue 7, eff. January 21, 1998; Amended, Virginia Register Volume 33, Issue 12, eff. 3/8/2017.

Statutory Authority: § 32.1-325 of the Code of Virginia; 42 USC § 1396 et seq.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.