23 Va. Admin. Code § 10-500-180 - Situs of purchases for wholesaler subject to tax based on purchases

A. The gross receipts of a wholesaler or distribution house subject to the tax based on purchases are attributed to the definite place of business from where the goods are physically delivered to customers or at the shipping point to customers. Examples:
1. A wholesaler has its sales office in Town B and maintains a warehouse in County C from which it ships goods by truck to customers in Virginia. Wholesaler is subject to license tax measured by purchases. Wholesaler's warehouse is a definite place of business subject to taxation in County C.
2. A wholesaler has facilities in North Carolina and has a distribution center in A Town A, Virginia, which assesses a BPOL tax on wholesalers based upon purchases. Merchandise shipped from the wholesaler in Town A is subject to the license tax measured by purchases and the situs of the wholesaler's purchases, of goods shipped from Town A is Town A because it is the shipping point from the distribution center.
3. A wholesaler, whose BPOL tax is measured based upon purchases, has a warehouse in County A from where it delivers goods to customers. The situs of its purchases is County A.
4. Company A manufactures equipment for industrial, governmental and commercial use at its plant outside Virginia. It has an office in City B, Virginia, where sales solicitations take place. Company A's sales office is taxable as a wholesale merchant based on purchases. The purchases of a wholesaler subject to the tax on purchases are attributed to the definite place of business where the goods are physically delivered to customers or at the shipping point to customers. Company A has no taxable purchases in City B since the goods are not delivered or shipped from the sales office in that locality.
5. Company A sells petroleum products at retail in its own retail stores. It also sells petroleum products at wholesale to retail dealers at City A in Virginia. Company A exchanges a shipload of petroleum products for a shipload of oil with Company A. The exchange occurs outside of Virginia. The exchange is not taxable. The sale is not a retail sale nor attributable to the exercise of the privilege of selling at retail at Company A's retail stores. There is no purchase at any place of business in Virginia that is subject to a wholesale merchant's tax in Virginia because delivery occurred outside Virginia.
B. "Purchases" means all goods, wares and merchandise received for sale at each definite place of business of a wholesale merchant. The term shall also include the cost of manufacture of all goods, wares and merchandise manufactured by any wholesale merchant and sold or offered for sale. A wholesale merchant may elect to report the gross receipts from the sale of manufactured goods, wares and merchandise if it cannot determine the cost of manufacture or chooses not to disclose the cost of manufacture.
C. Some localities are grandfathered to assess a BPOL tax upon wholesalers based upon gross receipts. Any wholesaler who is subject to a BPOL tax in two or more localities with different bases or measures may apply to the Tax Commissioner for the proper measure of purchases and gross receipts subject to tax in each locality.


23 Va. Admin. Code § 10-500-180
Derived from Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 23, eff. October 6, 2008.

Statutory Authority

§ 58.1-3701 of the Code of Virginia.

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