Va. Admin. Code tit. 19, agency 10 - DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT

  1. Chapter 10 - PUBLIC PARTICIPATION GUIDELINES (ยง 19VAC10-10-10 to 19VAC10-10-50)


The Department of Emergency Management is authorized to promulgate plans and programs in preparation for, response to, and recovery from emergencies/disasters (natural or man-made) and for emergency management of resources; to coordinate and administer emergency/disaster mitigation preparedness, response and recovery programs and emergency resource management plans and programs with federal, state, and local government agencies and other groups; to provide guidance to state agencies and local governments in designing emergency/disaster programs and plans; and to assist state agencies and political subdivisions in establishing and operating training and public information programs and education regarding emergency services and disaster preparedness activities. The department is responsible for development of state hazard-specific contingency plans for oil and hazardous materials radiological emergency response, hurricane preparedness, and terrorism consequence management. Code of Virginia, Title 44, Chapters 3.2 through 3.5; see also Executive Orders No. 73 (97) and 41 (99).

The department coordinates the state's participation in the Emergency Management Assistance Compact that provides mutual assistance between the states entering into this compact in managing any emergency or disaster that is duly declared by the governor of the affected state. Code of Virginia, Title 44, Chapter 3.2.

The department is directed to maintain a register of shippers of hazardous radioactive materials and monitor the transportation within the Commonwealth of those materials. Code of Virginia, Title 44, Chapter 3.3.

The department has the duty of assisting in the development, approval of and testing of radiological emergency response plans for localities adjacent to nuclear generating facilities and of managing the Radiological Emergency Preparedness Fund to support activities of state agencies and local governments in establishing, maintaining and operating plans and programs for radiological emergency response around nuclear power stations. Code of Virginia, Title 44, Chapter 3.4.

The department is authorized to coordinate the development of hazardous materials training programs and hazardous materials emergency response programs and plans with state and local government agencies and related groups and administer the implementation of the Virginia Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Program. The department provides staff support for the Virginia Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Advisory Council. Code of Virginia, Title 44, Chapter 3.5.

The department operates under the supervision of the Secretary of Public Safety but during a declared emergency reverts to direct operational control of the Governor. The department operates the State Emergency Operations Center 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The department's principal office is at 10501 Trade Court, Richmond, VA 23236. Internet address:

The department has issued various plans providing for emergency operations, disaster assistance, and resource management. These are distributed to state agencies and local governments and are available for public inspection in the agency's office or in the office of the Coordinator of Emergency Management of each county or city in the Commonwealth.

Rev. 3/2013


Va. Admin. Code tit. 19, agency 10

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.