Wash. Admin. Code § 478-161-015 - Registration eligibility

(1) Continuing students. Continuing students at the university who remain in good standing are in compliance with other rules and regulations will have the opportunity to register at the same campus each quarter as long as they maintain continuous enrollment. A "continuing student" is one who has registered at the same University of Washington campus in the same degree level (i.e., undergraduate to undergraduate) or degree level program (i.e., graduate to graduate) the preceding quarter, or preceding spring quarter, if registering for autumn quarter.
(2) Newly admitted students. Newly admitted students are eligible to register for the quarter for which they have been offered admission when the applicable registration period(s) open and only after they have confirmed their enrollment and intention to attend the university beginning that quarter. Confirmation usually requires an advance payment on tuition and/or a confirmation fee. A "newly admitted student" is either one who has not previously registered for credit courses at the university or one who will be in their first quarter in a status different from that in which they last attended.
(3) Quarter-off, on-leave status and returning students.
(a) Quarter-off eligibility for undergraduate and professional students.
(i) Subject to college, school, and departmental enrollment policies, undergraduate and professional students who have completed a quarter at the University of Washington may take the following quarter off and remain eligible to register for the subsequent quarter without reapplying as returning students. Any quarter from which a student has completely withdrawn or been canceled does not constitute a completed quarter. Summer quarter enrollment is not required to maintain continuous registration eligibility.
(ii) Undergraduate and professional students who have taken more than one consecutive quarter off (not including summer) and who wish to return to the university in the degree or certificate program for which they were last registered must submit a "returning student reenrollment" form to the university registration office.
(b) Graduate students. Graduate students are required either to be registered each quarter (except summer) or to be officially on leave until the completion of all requirements for the graduate degree toward which such a student is working. Graduate students who do not maintain continuous enrollment must file an on-leave application with the graduate school. An "on-leave graduate student" is a graduate student in good standing who is away from the university and has been granted on-leave status. Failure to register each quarter (except summer) or to go on leave will constitute presumptive evidence that the student has withdrawn and resigned from the graduate school. The quarter-off eligibility is not available to graduate students.
(4) Enrollment in a different campus or different program. Current students who wish to attend the university at a different campus or in a different program than they are currently enrolled in must complete the application of and be accepted into the campus or program in which they would like to enroll.
(5) Enrollment after program completion. All undergraduate and graduate students who completed a degree or certificate program at the time they were last enrolled must apply as new students if they wish to continue or return to the university. For students completing a master's degree, it is sometimes possible to return into the PhD program without a new student application.


Wash. Admin. Code § 478-161-015
Adopted by WSR 21-11-059, Filed 5/14/2021, effective 6/14/2021

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.