Chapter 110-20 - Children's administration child care subsidies
- § 110-20-0010 - What are the types of child care subsidies?
- § 110-20-0020 - Definitions
- § 110-20-0030 - Child care for child protective services (CPS) and child welfare services (CWS)
- § 110-20-0040 - When are DSHS child care subsidy rates in this chapter effective?
- § 110-20-0050 - What are the maximum child care subsidy rates CA pays for child care in a licensed or certified child care center?
- § 110-20-0060 - What are the maximum child care subsidy rates CA pays for child care in a licensed or certified family home child care?
- § 110-20-0070 - When can CA pay more than the maximum CA child care subsidy rate?
- § 110-20-0080 - What is nonstandard hour child care?
- § 110-20-0090 - How does CA pay for nonstandard hour child care?
- § 110-20-0100 - How does DSHS determine that a child qualifies for a special needs rate?
- § 110-20-0110 - What is the CA child care subsidy rate for children with special needs in a licensed or certified child care center?
- § 110-20-0120 - What is the CA child care subsidy rate for children with special needs in a licensed or certified family home child care?
- § 110-20-0130 - What is the CA inhome/relative child care rate for children with special needs?
- § 110-20-0140 - What is the maximum child care subsidy rate CA pays for inhome/relative child care?
- § 110-20-0150 - In-home/relative child care
- § 110-20-0160 - What is the responsibility of DSHS regarding child care subsidies for in-home/relative child care?
- § 110-20-0170 - When can DSHS pay toward the cost of in-home/relative child care provided outside the child's home?
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.