Title 132G - Shoreline Community College

  1. Chapter 132G-104 - Meetings of the board of trustees - Delegation of board responsibility (§ 132G-104-010 to 132G-104-020)
  2. Chapter 132G-108 - Procedural rules for adjudicative procedures (§ 132G-108-010 to 132G-108-080)
  3. Chapter 132G-116 - Parking and traffic rules (§ 132G-116-020 to 132G-116-340)
  4. Chapter 132G-120 - Student conduct code (Repealed) (§ 132G-120-010 to 132G-120-140)
  5. Chapter 132G-121 - Student Conduct Code (§ 132G-121-005 to 132G-121-090)
  6. Chapter 132G-124 - General conduct (§ 132G-124-010 to 132G-124-050)
  7. Chapter 132G-132 - College calendar (§ 132G-132-010 to 132G-132-030)
  8. Chapter 132G-133 - Organization (§ 132G-133-020)
  9. Chapter 132G-136 - Use of college facilities (Repealed) (§ 132G-136-010 to 132G-136-130)
  10. Chapter 132G-137 - Use of college facilities (§ 132G-137-010 to 132G-137-070)
  11. Chapter 132G-140 - College records (§ 132G-140-010 to 132G-140-110)
  12. Chapter 132G-142 - Use of college facilities for expressive activities (§ 132G-142-010 to 132G-142-060)
  13. Chapter 132G-152 - Health and safety (§ 132G-152-010 to 132G-152-040)
  14. Chapter 132G-156 - Housing (§ 132G-156-010)
  15. Chapter 132G-160 - [Repealed] Admission and registration procedures (§ 132G-160-010 to 132G-160-500)
  16. Chapter 132G-168 - Use of library (§ 132G-168-010 to 132G-168-190)
  17. Chapter 132G-276 - Public records (§ 132G-276-010 to 132G-276-900)
  18. Chapter 132G-300 - [Repealed] Grievance procedure, Title IX (§ 132G-300-010)
  19. Chapter 132G-325 - State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) rules (§ 132G-325-010 to 132G-325-030)

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.