Title 132W - Wenatchee Valley College
- Chapter 132W-105 - Board of trustees (§ 132W-105-010 to 132W-105-080)
- Chapter 132W-109 - Practice and procedure (§ 132W-109-010 to 132W-109-085)
- Chapter 132W-112 - Students rights and freedoms (§ 132W-112-001 to 132W-112-140)
- Chapter 132W-115 - Code of student conduct (§ 132W-115-010 to 132W-115-220)
- Chapter 132W-117 - Parking and traffic (§ 132W-117-010 to 132W-117-280)
- Chapter 132W-125 - Withholding services for outstanding debts (§ 132W-125-010 to 132W-125-030)
- Chapter 132W-131 - Tuition and fees (§ 132W-131-010 to 132W-131-030)
- Chapter 132W-134 - Rules coordinator (§ 132W-134-010)
- Chapter 132W-141 - Use of facilities (§ 132W-141-010 to 132W-141-090)
- Chapter 132W-145 - Weapons on campus (§ 132W-145-010)
- Chapter 132W-168 - Use of college libraries (§ 132W-168-010 to 132W-168-040)
- Chapter 132W-277 - Access to public records (§ 132W-277-010 to 132W-277-140)
- Chapter 132W-280 - Violence in the workplace (§ 132W-280-010)
- Chapter 132W-300 - Grievance procedures Discrimination (§ 132W-300-001 to 132W-300-060)
- Chapter 132W-325 - Environmental protection (§ 132W-325-010)
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.