Title 137 - Corrections, Department of
- Chapter 137-04 - Introductory (§ 137-04-010 to 137-04-030)
- Chapter 137-08 - Public records - Disclosure (§ 137-08-010 to 137-08-180)
- Chapter 137-10 - [Repealed] Petition for promulgation, amendment, or repeal of rule or for declaratory ruling (§ 137-10-005 to 137-10-025)
- Chapter 137-12A - One-time impact funds available to qualifying political subdivisions (§ 137-12A-010 to 137-12A-090)
- Chapter 137-20 - Sale of products and services of vocational education students (§ 137-20-005 to 137-20-015)
- Chapter 137-24 - Special drug sentencing alternative revocation hearings (§ 137-24-010 to 137-24-060)
- Chapter 137-25 - Serious Violations - Total and partial confinement facilities (§ 137-25-010 to 137-25-030)
- Chapter 137-28 - Discipline - Prisons (§ 137-28-140 to 137-28-430)
- Chapter 137-30 - Earned release time (§ 137-30-010 to 137-30-080)
- Chapter 137-32 - Prisons - Administrative segregation and intensive management (§ 137-32-001 to 137-32-060)
- Chapter 137-36 - Adult correctional institutions-Inmate personal property (§ 137-36-010 to 137-36-070)
- Chapter 137-48 - Inmate mail and communications (§ 137-48-010 to 137-48-090)
- Chapter 137-52 - Resident of adult correctional institution escorted leave of absence (§ 137-52-005 to 137-52-050)
- Chapter 137-54 - Inmate marriages - Adult correctional facilities (§ 137-54-010 to 137-54-040)
- Chapter 137-55 - Adult correctional institutions - Acquisition of personal hygiene items (§ 137-55-010 to 137-55-060)
- Chapter 137-56 - PARTIAL CONFINEMENT (§ 137-56-005 to 137-56-280)
- Chapter 137-57 - Selecting contractors for and siting of community residential programs (work/training release facilities) (§ 137-57-005 to 137-57-080)
- Chapter 137-58 - Guideline for implementing the State Environmental Policy Act (§ 137-58-010 to 137-58-040)
- Chapter 137-60 - Adult correctional institutions - Release programs - Furlough (§ 137-60-010 to 137-60-140)
- Chapter 137-65 - [Repealed] (§ 137-65-010 to 137-65-050)
- Chapter 137-67 - Transfer of citizens of foreign countries (§ 137-67-010 to 137-67-045)
- Chapter 137-68 - Adult probation and parole - Interstate compact (§ 137-68-010 to 137-68-050)
- Chapter 137-69 - Adult offender supervision - Interstate compact (§ 137-69-010 to 137-69-040)
- Chapter 137-70 - Reimbursement for criminal justice costs and contingency plan expenses (§ 137-70-010 to 137-70-080)
- Chapter 137-75 - Jail and medical cost reimbursement to cities and counties (§ 137-75-010 to 137-75-060)
- Chapter 137-78 - Employee assault benefits (§ 137-78-010 to 137-78-070)
- Chapter 137-79 - Sexual misconduct by state employees, contractors (§ 137-79-010 to 137-79-060)
- Chapter 137-80 - Correctional industries and programs (§ 137-80-010 to 137-80-100)
- Chapter 137-91 - Adult correctional institutions - Medical care - Health care (§ 137-91-010 to 137-91-100)
- Chapter 137-96 - Prerelease programs (§ 137-96-010 to 137-96-130)
- Chapter 137-100 - Occupational exposure to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) (§ 137-100-002 to 137-100-031)
- Chapter 137-104 - Community custody violation hearings (§ 137-104-010 to 137-104-080)
- Chapter 137-150 - Access to mental health records (§ 137-150-010 to 137-150-040)
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
- Chapter 137-04 - Introductory (§ 137-04-010 to 137-04-030)
- Chapter 137-08 - Public records - Disclosure (§ 137-08-010 to 137-08-180)
- Chapter 137-10 - [Repealed] Petition for promulgation, amendment, or repeal of rule or for declaratory ruling (§ 137-10-005 to 137-10-025)
- Chapter 137-12A - One-time impact funds available to qualifying political subdivisions (§ 137-12A-010 to 137-12A-090)
- Chapter 137-20 - Sale of products and services of vocational education students (§ 137-20-005 to 137-20-015)
- Chapter 137-24 - Special drug sentencing alternative revocation hearings (§ 137-24-010 to 137-24-060)
- Chapter 137-25 - Serious Violations - Total and partial confinement facilities (§ 137-25-010 to 137-25-030)
- Chapter 137-28 - Discipline - Prisons (§ 137-28-140 to 137-28-430)
- Chapter 137-30 - Earned release time (§ 137-30-010 to 137-30-080)
- Chapter 137-32 - Prisons - Administrative segregation and intensive management (§ 137-32-001 to 137-32-060)
- Chapter 137-36 - Adult correctional institutions-Inmate personal property (§ 137-36-010 to 137-36-070)
- Chapter 137-48 - Inmate mail and communications (§ 137-48-010 to 137-48-090)
- Chapter 137-52 - Resident of adult correctional institution escorted leave of absence (§ 137-52-005 to 137-52-050)
- Chapter 137-54 - Inmate marriages - Adult correctional facilities (§ 137-54-010 to 137-54-040)
- Chapter 137-55 - Adult correctional institutions - Acquisition of personal hygiene items (§ 137-55-010 to 137-55-060)
- Chapter 137-56 - PARTIAL CONFINEMENT (§ 137-56-005 to 137-56-280)
- Chapter 137-57 - Selecting contractors for and siting of community residential programs (work/training release facilities) (§ 137-57-005 to 137-57-080)
- Chapter 137-58 - Guideline for implementing the State Environmental Policy Act (§ 137-58-010 to 137-58-040)
- Chapter 137-60 - Adult correctional institutions - Release programs - Furlough (§ 137-60-010 to 137-60-140)
- Chapter 137-65 - [Repealed] (§ 137-65-010 to 137-65-050)
- Chapter 137-67 - Transfer of citizens of foreign countries (§ 137-67-010 to 137-67-045)
- Chapter 137-68 - Adult probation and parole - Interstate compact (§ 137-68-010 to 137-68-050)
- Chapter 137-69 - Adult offender supervision - Interstate compact (§ 137-69-010 to 137-69-040)
- Chapter 137-70 - Reimbursement for criminal justice costs and contingency plan expenses (§ 137-70-010 to 137-70-080)
- Chapter 137-75 - Jail and medical cost reimbursement to cities and counties (§ 137-75-010 to 137-75-060)
- Chapter 137-78 - Employee assault benefits (§ 137-78-010 to 137-78-070)
- Chapter 137-79 - Sexual misconduct by state employees, contractors (§ 137-79-010 to 137-79-060)
- Chapter 137-80 - Correctional industries and programs (§ 137-80-010 to 137-80-100)
- Chapter 137-91 - Adult correctional institutions - Medical care - Health care (§ 137-91-010 to 137-91-100)
- Chapter 137-96 - Prerelease programs (§ 137-96-010 to 137-96-130)
- Chapter 137-100 - Occupational exposure to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) (§ 137-100-002 to 137-100-031)
- Chapter 137-104 - Community custody violation hearings (§ 137-104-010 to 137-104-080)
- Chapter 137-150 - Access to mental health records (§ 137-150-010 to 137-150-040)