Title 212 - State Patrol (Fire Protection) (See also Titles 204, 446 and 448)
- Chapter 212-10 - Smoke detection devices in dwelling units (§ 212-10-010 to 212-10-060)
- Chapter 212-12 - Fire marshal standards (§ 212-12-001 to 212-12-044)
- Chapter 212-17 - Fireworks (Part I to X)
- Chapter 212-44 - Child birth centers - Standards for fire protection (§ 212-44-001 to 212-44-105)
- Chapter 212-50 - Identification for alternative fuel source motor vehicles (§ 212-50-010 to 212-50-080)
- Chapter 212-51 - Standards for above-ground used oil tanks (§ 212-51-001 to 212-51-050)
- Chapter 212-75 - Posting premises protected by guard animals (§ 212-75-001 to 212-75-005)
- Chapter 212-80 - Fire protection sprinkler system contractors
- Chapter 212-90 - Fire protection sprinkler fitting
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.