Chapter 232-12 - Permanent regulations
- § 232-12-001 - Definition of terms (Recodified)
- § 232-12-002 - Fish and wildlife commission members' recusal requirements for commissioners with beneficial interests in certain commission decisions and transactions (Recodified)
- § 232-12-004 - Classification of wild birds (Recodified)
- § 232-12-005 - Hunting predatory birds (Recodified)
- § 232-12-007 - Classification of wild animals (Recodified)
- § 232-12-011 - Wildlife classified as protected shall not be hunted or fished (Recodified)
- § 232-12-014 - Wildlife classified as endangered species (Recodified)
- § 232-12-016 - Nonnative aquatic species (Recodified)
- § 232-12-017 - Deleterious exotic wildlife (Recodified)
- § 232-12-01701 - Aquatic nuisance species (Recodified)
- § 232-12-019 - Game fish - Classification (Recodified)
- § 232-12-021 - Importation and retention of dead nonresident wildlife (Recodified)
- § 232-12-024 - Requirements for sealing of pelts and collection of biological information for river otter, cougar, lynx, and bobcat (Recodified)
- § 232-12-025 - [Repealed]
- § 232-12-027 - Game farm license provisions (Recodified)
- § 232-12-031 - Game farm invoice requirements (Recodified)
- § 232-12-034 - Acquisition of wildlife by game farmer (Recodified)
- § 232-12-037 - Shooting preserves - Licensing - Permits - Operations (Recodified)
- § 232-12-041 - Permit for holding field trials (Recodified)
- § 232-12-044 - Use of game birds for training dogs, field trials - Marking requirements (Recodified)
- § 232-12-045 - Hunting equipment restrictions (Recodified)
- § 232-12-047 - Unlawful methods for hunting Firearms (Recodified)
- § 232-12-051 - Muzzleloading firearms (Recodified)
- § 232-12-052 - Crossbow requirements (Recodified)
- § 232-12-054 - Archery requirements (Recodified)
- § 232-12-055 - Hunting-Hunter orange clothing requirements (Recodified)
- § 232-12-057 - Hunting with aid of aircraft, boats or other vehicles (Recodified)
- § 232-12-061 - Tagging requirements (Recodified)
- § 232-12-062 - Party hunting (Recodified)
- § 232-12-063 - Live wildlife - Facility, fencing, and marking requirements (Recodified)
- § 232-12-064 - Live wildlifeTaking from the wild, importation, possession, transfer, and holding in captivity (Recodified)
- § 232-12-066 - Revocation, modification, or suspension of a permit to hold wild animals, wild birds, or game fish in captivity (Recodified)
- § 232-12-067 - Sale of fish and wildlife by zoos and aquariums (Recodified)
- § 232-12-068 - Nontoxic shot requirements (Recodified)
- § 232-12-071 - Buying or selling game unlawful - Game-farmed meat exception (Recodified)
- § 232-12-072 - Eastern Washington pheasant enhancement - Funding level determination (Recodified)
- § 232-12-073 - Master hunter permit program (Recodified)
- § 232-12-077 - Wildlife taken by another (Recodified)
- § 232-12-081 - Checking stations - Inspection of game and licenses (Recodified)
- § 232-12-082 - Collection of sampling data - Unlawful acts (Recodified)
- § 232-12-083 - Emergency rule criteria (Recodified)
- § 232-12-087 - Requirements to possess Indian caught anadromous game fish or roe (Recodified)
- § 232-12-091 - Commercial buying and processing of anadromous game fish or roe (Recodified)
- § 232-12-094 - Records for purchase and receipt of anadromous game fish and roe (Recodified)
- § 232-12-097 - Transportation of anadromous game fish and roe (Recodified)
- § 232-12-134 - Report required of licensed trappers (Recodified)
- § 232-12-141 - Wild animal trapping (Recodified)
- § 232-12-142 - Use of body-gripping traps-Special trapping permit required (Recodified)
- § 232-12-154 - Juvenile fishing waters (Recodified)
- § 232-12-164 - Fishing near dams - Department facilities (Recodified)
- § 232-12-166 - Northern pikemin-now sport-reward fishery Columbia and Snake rivers (Recodified)
- § 232-12-168 - Fishing contests (Recodified)
- § 232-12-169 - Hunting contests (Recodified)
- § 232-12-174 - Domestic animals on department lands (Recodified)
- § 232-12-177 - Vehicles using department lands (Recodified)
- § 232-12-181 - Livestock grazing on department of fish and wildlife lands (Recodified)
- § 232-12-189 - Duplicate licenses, tags, etc. - Rules for issuance (Recodified)
- § 232-12-221 - Petitions - Form - Scheduling - Ruling (Recodified)
- § 232-12-227 - Hunter education training program requirements (Recodified)
- § 232-12-228 - Hunter education deferral (Recodified)
- § 232-12-242 - Hunting restrictions (Recodified)
- § 232-12-243 - Public safety cougar removals (Recodified)
- § 232-12-24402 - Colville Indian Reservation - Prohibiting the taking or hunting of big game and grouse and trapping of furbearers (Recodified)
- § 232-12-245 - Baiting for the purposes of hunting deer or elk (Recodified)
- § 232-12-247 - Transmission lines - Unlawful hunting (Recodified)
- § 232-12-251 - Removal of minerals, wood and artifacts from department lands (Recodified)
- § 232-12-253 - Tribal hunting - Medicine Creek Treaty hunters - Enforcement policy (Recodified)
- § 232-12-254 - Discharge of litter on department lands - Unlawful (Recodified)
- § 232-12-257 - Use of decoys and calls (Recodified)
- § 232-12-261 - Live decoys unlawful - Waterfowl and wild turkey (Recodified)
- § 232-12-264 - Baiting of game birds - Unlawful (Recodified)
- § 232-12-267 - Field identification of wildlife - Evidence of sex - Definitions (Recodified)
- § 232-12-271 - Criteria for planting aquatic plants and releasing wildlife (Recodified)
- § 232-12-272 - Juvenile fishing events (Recodified)
- § 232-12-275 - Definitions - Oiled-wildlife and wildlife rehabilitation permits (Recodified)
- § 232-12-277 - Taxidermy and furdealing records (Recodified)
- § 232-12-284 - Bighorn sheep-Marking requirements (Recodified)
- § 232-12-286 - Reducing the spread of hoof disease-Unlawful transport of elk hooves (Recodified)
- § 232-12-287 - Possession of dead wildlife (Recodified)
- § 232-12-288 - Official hunting hours for big game animals and forest grouse (Recodified)
- § 232-12-289 - Official hunting hours for game birds - Migratory game birds, upland birds, and wild turkeys (Recodified)
- § 232-12-291 - Hunting before or after hours (Recodified)
- § 232-12-292 - Bald eagle protection rules (Recodified)
- § 232-12-297 - Endangered, threatened, and sensitive wildlife species classification (Recodified)
- § 232-12-421 - Hunt or possess big game without an access permit (Recodified)
- § 232-12-422 - Hunt or possess a wild animal or wild bird without an access permit (Recodified)
- § 232-12-619 - Bullfrogs (Recodified)
- § 232-12-809 - Definition of Eastern and Western Washington (Recodified)
- § 232-12-819 - Special use permits (Recodified)
- § 232-12-825 - Definition of a person with a disability (Recodified)
- § 232-12-828 - Hunting of game birds and animals by persons with a disability (Recodified)
- § 232-12-830 - Waters in which either a personal use freshwater or personal use saltwater fishing license is valid (Recodified)
- § 232-12-840 - Hunting and fishing opportunities for terminally ill persons (Recodified)
- § 232-12-841 - Wildlife rehabilitation permits-Requirements and restrictions (Recodified)
- § 232-12-843 - Wildlife rehabilitation-Responsibilities of primary permittees and subpermittees (Recodified)
- § 232-12-845 - Wildlife rehabilitation-Permit revocation, modification, or suspension (Recodified)
- § 232-12-847 - Wildlife rehabilitation-Facility requirements and inspections-On- and off-site care (Recodified)
- § 232-12-849 - Wildlife rehabilitation-Releasing wildlife (Recodified)
- § 232-12-851 - Wildlife rehabilitation-Veterinary care (Recodified)
- § 232-12-853 - Wildlife rehabilitation-Records retention and reporting requirements (Recodified)
- § 232-12-855 - Wildlife rehabilitation-Falconers assisting with raptor rehabilitation (Recodified)
- § 232-12-857 - Wildlife rehabilitation-Transfer, import, and export of wildlife (Recodified)
- § 232-12-859 - Wildlife rehabilitation-Possession of dead wildlife and wildlife parts (Recodified)
- § 232-12-861 - Wildlife rehabilitation-Disposition of nonreleasable and habituated, imprinted, and tamed wildlife (Recodified)
- § 232-12-863 - Wildlife rehabilitation-Euthanizing protected, threatened, or endangered wildlife and migratory birds (Recodified)
- § 232-12-865 - Wildlife rehabilitation-Disposing of wildlife remains (Recodified)
- § 232-12-867 - Wildlife rehabilitation-Prohibition on commercial uses (Recodified)
- § 232-12-869 - Oiled bird rehabilitation-Facility requirements (Recodified)
- § 232-12-871 - Reporting receipt, death, carcass retention, and release of oiled birds (Recodified)
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.