Chapter 332-22 - State land leasing program rules
- § 332-22-010 - Promulgation
- § 332-22-020 - Definitions
- § 332-22-025 - Bonus bid
- § 332-22-030 - Applications to lease
- § 332-22-040 - Lease auction procedure
- § 332-22-050 - Lease procedure - Amendment
- § 332-22-060 - Lease procedure - Rental adjustments
- § 332-22-070 - Lease procedure - Notice
- § 332-22-080 - Rights to re-lease denied
- § 332-22-090 - Notice to lessee of public auction
- § 332-22-100 - Existing lease negotiation
- § 332-22-105 - Initial lease for commercial, industrial, or residential uses by negotiation
- § 332-22-110 - Mandatory lease terms
- § 332-22-120 - Assignment
- § 332-22-130 - Residential leases
- § 332-22-140 - Expired leases - Occupancy
- § 332-22-150 - Temporary use permits
- § 332-22-160 - Performance security
- § 332-22-170 - Geothermal resources lease - Area
- § 332-22-180 - Geothermal resources lease - Plan of development
- § 332-22-190 - Geothermal resources lease - Term
- § 332-22-200 - Geothermal resources lease - Annual rental
- § 332-22-210 - Geothermal resources lease - Production royalty
- § 332-22-220 - Geothermal resources lease - Minimum annual royalty
- § 332-22-230 - Geothermal resources lease - Unit plans
- § 332-22-240 - Geothermal resources lease - Records
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.