Title 67 - Blind, Department of Services for the
- Chapter 67-10 - Public records - Disclosure (§ 67-10-010 to 67-10-180)
- Chapter 67-16 - Department - General administration (§ 67-16-010 to 67-16-050)
- Chapter 67-25 - Vocational rehabilitation and services for blind persons (§ 67-25-005 to 67-25-600)
- Chapter 67-35 - Vending facility program for the blind (§ 67-35-010 to 67-35-910)
- Chapter 67-55 - Child and family services (§ 67-55-010 to 67-55-060)
- Chapter 67-75 - Independent living services (§ 67-75-010 to 67-75-075)
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.