055-3 Wyo. Code R. §§ 3-25 - Directional Drilling
(a) Before
beginning controlled directional drilling, other than whipstocking because of
hole conditions, when the intent is to direct the bottom of the hole away from
the vertical, notice of intention to do so shall be filed with the Supervisor
and his approval obtained. The approval will be valid for one year from the
date it was granted. Such notice shall state clearly:
(i) The depth;
(ii) Exact surface location of the
(iii) Proposed direction
of deviation; and,
(iv) Proposed
horizontal distance between the bottom of the hole and surface location.
(b) If approval is
obtained, the Owner/Operator shall file with the Supervisor within thirty (30)
days after the completion of the work an accurate and complete copy of the
survey made.
(c) Additional notice
to directional drill shall not be required if the proposed bottomhole location
will be drilled to an authorized location pursuant to Section 2 of this
chapter, a drilling and spacing order, or any other special order of the
(d) Specification for
Certification of Directional Surveys pursuant to Wyoming Oil and Gas
Conservation Commission rules and regulations, Chapter 2 Section 6(a), and
Chapter 3, Sections 21(c), 25(b) and 25(c). The Commission provides additional
requirements for a complete Certified Directional Survey as follows:
(i) The accepted standard for directional
survey calculation shall be the minimum curvature method with straight line
extrapolation acceptable from last data point in survey to Total Measured
Depth. If other methods are to be used they must be identified on the
Application for Permit to Drill (APD, Form 1) when submitted for approval. If
the APD is approved with another method, the other method must be duly noted by
the Operator on the Operator's Certification Form and by the directional
drilling contractor on the Directional Survey Certification Form.
(ii) Directional drilling contractor shall
provide the Final Survey in electronic (ASCII) file format directly submitted
to the Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation Commission. Final Survey file must also
include a Plan versus Actual plot with all dimensions and directions clearly
marked. A copy of the Directional Survey Certification Form with the Plan
versus Actual plot is acceptable in .pdf format, but must be complete and
(iii) The directional
survey or measurement while drilling (MWD) contractor is responsible for
ensuring that all MWD tools are calibrated in accordance to their standard
calibration procedures.
(iv) The
Operator shall provide on the drilling well location a copy of the approved APD
and provide the directional survey contractor(s) with a legible and
reproducible copy of the certified surface location plat.
(A) Bottom hole location (BHL) shall be tied
back to the well surface location utilizing the most recent governmental survey
as required by the most recent required governmental survey, such as NAD
(v) A change out of
the directional survey tools is required if the Operator has to trip out of the
hole during the build section or while steering the well in the event of
failure of MWD itself or failure of direction survey tool; however, the
Operator will be allowed to proceed as long as the surveys are replaced with
MWD check shots or gyro survey.
(vi) For a Commission approved permitted
Directional Well:
(A) In the vertical hole the
Operator shall provide directional surveys at no greater than two hundred (200)
foot intervals and at the terminus of the vertical section, or at the
discretion of the Supervisor, to document the deviation of the upper
(vii) A proper
magnetic spacing must be maintained in order to ensure azimuth
(viii) When deviation is
less than five (5) degrees dogleg rate, directional survey shall be taken at
intervals no greater than three hundred (300) feet.
(ix) When deviation is five (5) degrees
dogleg rate or greater, a directional survey shall be taken at intervals no
greater than one hundred (100) feet.
(x) Regardless of the directional survey
tools in use, the Commission requires in the build section that directional
surveys shall be taken at intervals no greater than one hundred (100) feet in
the lateral portion of the wellbore while rotating. Should a survey be missed,
the Owner or Operator must take a survey at the next possible opportunity and
an explanation of the reason for the missing survey shall be included on the
Directional Survey Report.
(xi) The
Operator shall provide on their Certification Form the method of bottom hole
location (BHL) projection used from the last surveyed point to Total Measured
Depth. The Operator Certification Form must be completed and signed. This form
must be attached to the Completion Report (Form 3). The Operator must include
with the Completion Report (Form 3) a printed copy of the final well
directional survey.
(A) Certification forms
are to be attached to the Completion Report (Form 3).
(xii) At the Supervisor's discretion and if
the Commission well survey analysis compels the need, the Supervisor may
require additional directional surveys, accuracy requirements and reported
(xiii) All wells must be
depicted exactly as drilled. The original laterals and any sidetrack shall be
kept separately, appropriately labeled as to what they depict (Leg 1, Leg
Sidetrack 1, etc.) and filed in their entirety from the tie-in point to a
projection to total measured depth of each leg or sidetrack.
(xiv) When additional laterals and/or
sidetracks are surveyed, the tie-in point should be listed as the first survey.
Do not include any surveys prior to the tie-in as they are required to be filed
with the previous lateral or sidetrack. The survey point used for the tie-in
should be the last survey run immediately above the sidetrack depth.
(xv) All surveys must be submitted and no
portion of any survey should be deleted at any time. All surveys must be
corrected to True North. In the event that a gyro survey is run after the well
has been drilled with an MWD tool, all surveys must be submitted and the
"master survey" will be considered the gyro survey.
(xvi) Additional requirements:
(A) On highly deviated and/or horizontal
wells, the Commission may require check shot surveys at various depths, not
repeats of mandatory survey shot depths as required in Section 25(d)(vi)
through (d)(x). This requirement will be a stipulation on the approved
Application for Permit to Drill (Form 1) on a case-by-case basis.
(e) Commission required
Certification Forms:
(i) Directional Survey
Certification Form shall be attached to the Final Report as a separate cover
sheet, on the contractor's letterhead, and must contain, as a minimum, the
following information:
(A) MWD/Directional
Survey Company Name;
MWD/Directional Survey Job Number and Job Type;
(C) Well Name and API Number;
(D) Operator/Client Name;
(E) Well Surface Location by Footage and
Latitude/Longitude, and Datum 1/4 1/4 Section, Township and Range, and County;
(F) Final Report Date;
(G) MWD/Directional Survey Run
(H) Surveyed from measured
depth (MD) of A feet to B
(I) Survey Tool Type and
Relation to the Bit;
(J) Drilling
Rig Contractor Name, Rig Number and Rig Kelley Bushing Height feet;
(K) MWD/Directional Surveyor's
(L) The following
certification statement:
(I) "The data and
calculations for this survey have been checked by me and conform to the
calibration standards and operational procedures set forth by
[MWD/Directional Survey Company Name]. I am authorized
and qualified to review the data, calculations and this report, and that the
report represents a true and correct Directional Survey of this well based on
the original data corrected to True North and obtained at the well site.
Wellbore coordinates are calculated using [minimum curvature or
other] method."
(M) Well Planner Printed Name and
(N) Date
(O) Optional: Notarization
of Signature.
Operator Certification Form shall be attached to the Completion Report (Form 3)
with a copy of the Final Directional Survey, as a separate cover sheet on the
Operator's letterhead, and must provide, as a minimum, the following
(A) Operator Company Name and
Company Representative's Office Address;
(B) Well Name and API Number;
(C) Well Surface Location by Footage and
Latitude/Longitude, and Datum 1/4 1/4 Section, Township and Range, and
(D) Producing Interval Top
Location by Footage and Latitude/Longitude and Datum 1/4 1/4 Section, Township
and Range, and County;
Producing Interval Bottom Location by Footage and Latitude/Longitude and Datum
1/4 1/4 Section, Township and Range, and County (if different that Bottom Hole
(F) Well Bottom Hole
Location by Footage and Latitude/Longitude and Datum 1/4 1/4 Section, Township
and Range, and County;
(G) The
following certification statement:
(I) "I am
authorized and qualified to review the Final Directional Survey data for this
well and by my signature certify that the above Bottom Hole Location represents
a true and correct Bottom Hole Location of this well based on the Final
Directional Survey Report corrected to True North as provided by
[MWD/Directional Survey Company Name]; and that the
Bottom Hole Location is in compliance with Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation
Commission rules and orders. The method of projection from the last
directionally surveyed point to the Total Measured Depth as represented as the
Bottom Hole Location is the [straight line or other]
(H) Operator
Representative Printed Name and Signature;
(I) Date Signed;
(J) Optional: Notarization of
The following definitions are provided:
Azimuth means the deviation in the horizontal plane of a wellbore
expressed in terms of compass degrees.
Certified directional
survey means a survey conducted and reported pursuant Chapter 2, Section
6(b), and Chapter 3, Sections 21(c) and 25(b) and (c) of these rules.
Directional drilling
methods include industry standard tools, including gyro and electronic
single shot, as used separately or in combination with Measurement While
Drilling (MWD) or Logging While Drilling (LWD).
Directional drilling survey
means the compiled report of the survey, providing as a minimum the following,
represented as report columns: Survey Measured Depth (MD) as feet; Inclination
as degrees; Azimuth as degrees; Course Length as feet; True Vertical Depth
(TVD) as feet; Borehole Bearing Coordinates as degrees N/S and E/W; Closure as
Distance in feet and as Azimuth in degrees; Dogleg Severity as degrees; and
Horizontal Coordinates as feet N/S and E/W.
Directional well means a
wellbore that is intentionally deviated from vertical with an intentional
Dogleg severity
means a significant rate of change in azimuth as well as inclination in
a short distance along the path of the well resulting in a crooked well profile
and expressed as degrees per 100 feet.
Drilling and Spacing Unit
(DSU) means Commission-approved boundary based upon rules and orders
appropriate for the area and pools, within the lease boundary, property lines,
unit lines, communitized area boundary, or participating areas
Drill pipe
stand means drill pipe in triples, approximately 94-96 feet for each
stand. If the drilling rig drill pipe is doubles (approximately 60-64 feet) or
singles (approximately 30-32 feet), or if coiled tubing is used, then the
footage requirements must be used for survey frequency.
Horizontal Well means a
wellbore drilled laterally at an angle of at least eighty degrees (80[]) to the
vertical and with a horizontal projection exceeding one hundred feet (100')
measured from the initial point of penetration into the productive formation
through the terminus of the lateral in the same common source of hydrocarbon
Inclination means the deviation angle away from the vertical plane
expressed as degrees.
Kick-off Point (KOP) means the point at which a directional well
is intentionally deviated from vertical.
Lateral hold section or
tangent section means a portion of the directional well past the
point where the wellbore has been intentionally departed from the vertical with
no intentional inclination or azimuth changes.
Penetration point means
the point where a directional well penetrates the top of the pool from which it
is intended to produce.
Producing interval means that portion of a directional well
drilled inside a pool's vertical limits between its penetration point and to
pool's terminus.
Producing area means the area in which the operator has an
approved Drilling and Spacing Unit (DSU) from the Commission and in conformance
with the setback requirements from the outer boundary of the approved DSU, or
as per requirements set out in Chapter 3, Section 2 of these rules, for the
applicable pool.
Vertical well means a well that does not have an intentional
departure or course deviation from vertical. A wellbore meeting this definition
does not require submittal of the Operator's Bottom Hole Location Certification
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.