075-4 Wyo. Code R. §§ 4-18 - Record of Proceedings

(a) When the denial, revocation, or suspension of any license is the subject for hearing, it shall be regarded as a contested case and the proceedings, including all testimony, shall be reported verbatim by a court reporter or other competent means. If the transcript is prepared at the request of a party, the cost of the transcript shall be paid by the party making the request, unless the Board for good cause shown waives assessment of such costs.
(b) The Board records in a contested case shall include the following:
(i) All pleadings, motions, interlocutory rulings;
(ii) Evidence received or considered;
(iii) Statement of matters officially noticed;
(iv) Objections and offers of proof and rulings thereon;
(v) Proposed findings and exceptions;
(vi) All staff memoranda, other than privileged communications, of date submitted to the Board.


075-4 Wyo. Code R. §§ 4-18

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.