(a) Establishment.—The President of the Defense Acquisition University shall establish two programs to provide awards to recognize members of the acquisition workforce as follows:
An award of not more than $5,000 to such members who use an iterative writing process to document a first-hand account of using independent judgment to overcome an obstacle the member faced while working within the defense acquisition system (as defined in section 3001 of this title).
(b) Number of Awards.—
(c) Requirements for Writing Award.—
(1) Submission required.—A member of the acquisition workforce desiring an award under subsection (a)(1) shall submit to the President of the Defense Acquisition University the first-hand account described in such subsection. Such first-hand account shall demonstrate—
an original and engaging idea documenting the use of independent judgment to overcome an obstacle the recipient faced while working within the defense acquisition system; and
(B) the use of an iterative writing process, including evidence of—
editing to achieve plain writing (as defined in section 3 of the Plain Writing Act of 2010 (5 U.S.C. 301 note)).
(d) Requirements for Flexibility Award.—A member of the acquisition workforce desiring an award under subsection (a)(2) shall submit to the President of the Defense Acquisition University documentation that such member uses approaches to program management that emphasize innovation and local adaptation, including the use of—