Each Federal land bank association shall continue as a federally chartered instrumentality of the United States.
A Federal land bank association may be organized by any group of 10 or more persons desiring to borrow money from a Farm Credit Bank under section 2015(a) of this title, including persons to whom the Farm Credit Bank has made a loan directly or through an agent and has taken as security real estate located in the territory proposed to be served by the association.
The articles of association shall describe the territory within which the association proposes to carry on its operations.
Proposed articles shall be forwarded to the Farm Credit Bank for the district, accompanied by an agreement to subscribe on behalf of the association for stock in accordance with the bylaws of the Farm Credit Bank.
Association stock may be paid for by surrendering for cancellation stock in the bank held by a borrower and the issuance of an equivalent amount of stock to such borrower in the association.
A copy of the articles of association shall be forwarded to the Farm Credit Administration with the recommendations of the bank concerning the need for the proposed association in order to adequately serve the credit needs of eligible persons in the proposed territory and a statement as to whether or not the territory includes any territory described in the charter of another Federal land bank association.