(a) In General.—
The Commandant shall establish within the Coast Guard an Advisory Board on Women in the Coast Guard.
(b) Membership.—The Advisory Board established under subsection (a) shall be composed of such number of members as the Commandant considers appropriate, selected by the Commandant through a public selection process from among applicants for membership on the Board. The members of the Board shall, to the extent practicable, represent the diversity of the Coast Guard. The members of the Committee shall include an equal number of each of the following:
(c) Duties.—The Advisory Board established under subsection (a)—
shall advise the Commandant on improvements to the recruitment, retention, wellbeing, and success of women serving in the Coast Guard and attending the Coast Guard Academy, including recommendations for the report on gender diversity in the Coast Guard required by section 5109 of chapter 51 of title 14;
(Added Pub. L. 116–283, div. G, title LVXXXII [LXXXII], § 8215(c)(2), Jan. 1, 2021, 134 Stat. 4651.)