The provisions of this chapter shall not apply (a) to any common carrier, contract carrier, or freight forwarder in transporting a product, fabric, or related material shipped or delivered for shipment into commerce in the ordinary course of its business; (b) to any converter, processor, or finisher in performing a contract or commission service for the account of a person subject to the provisions of this chapter: Provided, That said converter, processor, or finisher does not cause any product, fabric, or related material to become subject to this chapter contrary to the terms of the contract or commission service; or (c) to any product, fabric, or related material shipped or delivered for shipment into commerce for the purpose of finishing or processing such product, fabric, or related material so that it conforms with applicable flammability standards issued or amended under the provisions of section 1193 of this title.
15 U.S. Code § 1200 - Persons excluded from operation of chapter
1967—Pub. L. 90–189 substituted “in transporting a product, fabric, or related material” for “with respect to an article of wearing apparel or fabric”, “product, fabric, or related material” for “article of wearing apparel or fabric” in two places, and “such product, fabric, or related material so that it conforms with applicable flammability standards issued or amended under the provisions of section 1193 of this title” for “to render such article or fabric not so highly flammable, under the provisions of section 1193 of this title, as to be dangerous when worn by individuals”.
Functions of Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, Secretary of Commerce, and Federal Trade Commission under this chapter transferred to Consumer Product Safety Commission, along with functions of Federal Trade Commission under Federal Trade Commission Act, to extent such functions relate to administration and enforcement of this chapter, see section 2079 of this title.