The Council shall—
develop recommendations for national strategies and on specific policies intended to enhance the productivity and international competitiveness of United States industries;
(2) provide comments, when appropriate, and through any existing comment procedure, on—
analyze information concerning current and future United States economic competitiveness useful to decision making in government and industry;
create a forum where national leaders with experience and background in business, labor, academia, public interest activities, and government shall identify and develop recommendations to address problems affecting the economic competitiveness of the United States;
evaluate Federal policies, regulations, and unclassified international agreement on trade, science, and technology to which the United States is a party with respect to the impact on United States competitiveness;
provide policy recommendations to the Congress, the President, and the Federal departments and agencies regarding specific issues concerning competitiveness strategies;
(7) monitor the changing nature of research, science, and technology in the United States and the changing nature of the United States economy and its capacity—
establish, when appropriate, subcouncils of public and private leaders to develop recommendations on long-term strategies for sectors of the economy and for specific competitiveness issues;
review policy recommendations developed by the subcouncils and transmit such recommendations to the Federal agencies responsible for the implementation of such recommendations;