(a) Establishment
Within 2 years after August 23, 1988, the Secretary of Commerce shall establish the Data Bank. The Secretary shall manage the Data Bank. The Data Bank shall consist of two data systems, to be designated the International Economic Data System, as described in subsection (b) and the Export Promotion Data System, as described in subsection (c).
(b) International Economic Data SystemThe International Economic Data System shall include current and historical information determined by the Secretary to be useful (after the consultation required by section 4904 of this title) to policymakers and analysts concerned with international economics and trade and which shall include data compiled or obtained by appropriate executive agencies. Such information shall not identify parties to transactions. Such information may include data for the United States and countries with which the United States has important economic relations including—
(7) import and export data for the United States on a State-by-State basis aggregated at the product level including—
(c) Export Promotion Data SystemThe export promotion data system shall include data and information collected by the Federal Government on the industrial sectors and markets of foreign countries which are determined by the Secretary (after consultation required by section 4904 of this title) to be of the greatest interest to United States business firms that are engaged in export-related activities and to Federal and State agencies that promote exports, while providing for the confidentiality of proprietary business information, and shall be designed to use the most effective means of disseminating data and information electronically through the Department, or Department-designated offices, or through other available data bases in an accurate and timely manner. Such data system shall monitor, organize, and disseminate selected information on—