Any order issued under this chapter shall contain the terms and provisions specified in this section.
The order shall provide for the establishment of a Concrete Masonry Products Board to carry out a program of generic promotion, research, and education regarding concrete masonry products.
The members of the Board shall be appointed by the Secretary from nominations submitted as provided in the order.
The Board shall consist of manufacturers. No employee of an industry trade organization exempt from tax under paragraph (3) or (6) of section 501(c) of title 26 representing the concrete masonry industry or related industries shall serve as a member of the Board and no member of the Board may serve concurrently as an officer of the board of directors of a national concrete masonry products industry trade association. Only 2 individuals from any single company or its affiliates may serve on the Board at any one time.
To ensure fair and equitable representation of the concrete masonry products industry, the composition of the Board shall reflect the geographical distribution of the manufacture of concrete masonry products in the United States, the types of concrete masonry products manufactured, and the range in size of manufacturers in the United States.
Three years after the assessment of concrete masonry products commences pursuant to an order, and at the end of each 3-year period thereafter, the Board, subject to the review and approval of the Secretary, shall, if warranted, recommend to the Secretary the reapportionment of the Board membership to reflect changes in the geographical distribution of the manufacture of concrete masonry products and the types of concrete masonry products manufactured.
The Secretary may make appointments from nominations by manufacturers pursuant to the method set forth in the order.
If the Secretary fails to make an appointment to the Board within 60 days of receiving nominations for such appointment, the first nominee for such appointment shall be deemed appointed, unless the Secretary provides reasonable justification for the delay to the Board and to Congress and provides a reasonable date by which approval or disapproval will be made.
The order shall provide for the selection of alternate members of the Board by the Secretary in accordance with procedures specified in the order.
The members and any alternates of the Board shall each serve for a term of 3 years, except that members and any alternates initially appointed to the Board shall serve for terms of not more than 2, 3, and 4 years, as specified by the order.
A member or an alternate may serve not more than 2 consecutive terms.
The order shall provide that if a member or alternate of the Board who was appointed as a manufacturer ceases to qualify as a manufacturer, such member or alternate shall be disqualified from serving on the Board.
The order shall require the Board to submit to the Secretary for approval a budget of the anticipated expenses and disbursements of the Board in the implementation of the order, including the projected costs of concrete masonry products research, education, and promotion programs and projects.
The budget shall be submitted before the beginning of a fiscal year and as frequently as may be necessary after the beginning of the fiscal year.
If the Secretary fails to approve or reject a budget within 60 days of receipt, such budget shall be deemed approved, unless the Secretary provides to the Board and to Congress, in writing, reasonable justification for the delay and provides a reasonable date by which approval or disapproval will be made.
The Board may incur the expenses described in paragraph (2) and other expenses for the administration, maintenance, and functioning of the Board as authorized by the Secretary.
Expenses incurred under subparagraph (A) shall be paid by the Board using assessments collected under section 8705 of this title, earnings obtained from assessments, and other income of the Board. Any funds borrowed by the Board shall be expended only for startup costs and capital outlays.
For fiscal years beginning 3 or more years after the date of the establishment of the Board, the Board may not expend for administration (except for reimbursement to the Secretary required under subparagraph (D)), maintenance, and functioning of the Board in a fiscal year an amount that exceeds 10 percent of the assessment and other income received by the Board for the fiscal year.
If the Secretary fails to approve or reject a contract or agreement entered into under paragraph (1) within 60 days of receipt, the contract or agreement shall be deemed approved, unless the Secretary provides to the Board and to Congress, in writing, reasonable justification for the delay and provides a reasonable date by which approval or disapproval will be made.
The order shall require the Board to provide for the independent evaluation of all research, education, and promotion programs or projects undertaken under the order, beginning 5 years after October 5, 2018, and every 3 years thereafter. The Board shall submit to the Secretary and make available to the public the results of each such evaluation.
The Board shall establish annual research, education, and promotion objectives and performance metrics for each fiscal year subject to approval by the Secretary.
Any record required to be maintained under paragraph (1) shall be maintained for such time period as the Secretary may prescribe.
Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, trade secrets and commercial or financial information that is privileged or confidential reported to, or otherwise obtained by the Board or the Secretary (or any representative of the Board or the Secretary) under this chapter shall not be disclosed by any officers, employees, and agents of the Department or the Board.