the [1] Director of the National Science Foundation shall fund research and education activities in artificial intelligence systems and related fields, including competitive awards or grants to institutions of higher education or eligible nonprofit organizations (or consortia thereof).
In general, the Director shall permit applicants to include in their proposed budgets funding for software engineering support to assist with the proposed research.
No later than 6 months after publication of the study described in paragraph (1)(C), the Director shall report to Congress on options for requiring an ethics or risk statement as part of all or a subset of applications for research funding to the National Science Foundation.
The Director of the National Science Foundation shall establish a program to award grants to eligible institutions of higher education to recruit and retain tenure-track or tenured faculty in artificial intelligence and related fields.
The Director of the National Science Foundation shall establish a program to award fellowships to tenure-track and tenured faculty in social and behavioral sciences, ethics, law, and related fields to develop new research projects and partnerships in technology ethics.
The purposes of such fellowships are to enable researchers in social and behavioral sciences, ethics, law, and related fields to establish new research and education partnerships with researchers in artificial intelligence and related fields; learn new techniques and acquire systematic knowledge in artificial intelligence and related fields; and mentor and advise graduate students and postdocs pursuing research in technology ethics.
The Director of the National Science Foundation shall establish a pilot program to assess the feasibility and advisability of awarding grants for the conduct of research in rapidly evolving, high priority topics using funding mechanisms that require brief project descriptions and internal merit review, and that may include accelerated external review.
In carrying out the pilot program, the Director shall award grants for the conduct of research in topics selected by the Director in accordance with paragraph (4).