- § 460aa. Establishment
- § 460aa–1. Administration
- § 460aa–2. Acquisition of land
- § 460aa–3. Private land, regulations
- § 460aa–4. Repealed. Pub. L. 114–46, title I, § 108(a), Aug. 7, 2015, 129 Stat. 480
- § 460aa–5. Cooperation with other agencies in development and operation of facilities and services; Stanley, restoration
- § 460aa–6. State civil and criminal jurisdiction
- § 460aa–7. Hunting and fishing regulations
- § 460aa–8. Federal-State water rights
- § 460aa–9. Mining restriction; Federal lands withdrawn from location, entry, and patent under United States mining laws
- § 460aa–10. Land surface protection; regulations
- § 460aa–11. Patents; restriction on issuance
- § 460aa–12. Authorization of appropriations; availability of land and water conservation fund money
- § 460aa–13. Area analysis for park or park administrative unit proposal
- § 460aa–14. Separability
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