- § 1151. Definitions
- § 1152. Prohibitions
- § 1153. Sealing permitted by Aleuts, Eskimos, and Indians
- § 1154. Scientific research on fur seal resources; use of fur seals for educational, scientific, or exhibition purposes
- § 1155. Authority of Secretary of Commerce
- § 1156. Enforcement provisions
- § 1157. North Pacific Fur Seal Commission; appointment of United States Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner, and Advisors; duties, compensation, and travel expenses
- § 1158. Acceptance or rejection by Secretaries of State and Commerce of Commission recommendations
- § 1159. Federal agency consultations with and technical assistance to Secretary of Commerce or Commission; reimbursement for assistance
Quick search by citation:
16 U.S. Code Subchapter I - FUR SEAL MANAGEMENT
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