From the sums appropriated under the authority of section 9123 of this title and not reserved under subsection (a) for any fiscal year, the Director shall award grants from minimum allotments, as determined under paragraph (3), to each State. Any sums remaining after minimum allotments are made for such year shall be allotted in the manner set forth in paragraph (2).
From the remainder of any sums appropriated under the authority of section 9123 of this title that are not reserved under subsection (a) and not allotted under paragraph (1) for any fiscal year, the Director shall award grants to each State in an amount that bears the same relation to such remainder as the population of the State bears to the population of all States.
For purposes of this subsection, the minimum allotment for each State shall be $680,000, except that the minimum allotment shall be $60,000 in the case of the United States Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, and the Republic of Palau.
Notwithstanding subparagraph (A), if the sum appropriated under the authority of section 9123 of this title and not reserved under subsection (a) for any fiscal year is insufficient to fully satisfy the requirement of subparagraph (A), each of the minimum allotments under such subparagraph shall be reduced ratably.
If the sum appropriated under the authority of section 9123 of this title and not reserved under subsection (a) for any fiscal year exceeds the aggregate of the allotments for all States under this subsection for fiscal year 2019, yet is insufficient to fully satisfy the requirement of clause (i), such excess amount shall first be allotted among the States described in clause (i)(I) so as to increase equally the minimum allotment for each such State above $680,000. After the requirement of clause (i)(I) is fully satisfied for any fiscal year, any remainder of such excess amount shall be allotted among the States described in clause (i)(II) so as to increase equally the minimum allotment for each such State above $60,000.