The professors, instructors, and students of the several land-grant, agricultural, and mechanical colleges of the United States shall be admitted to the marine biological station on the Gulf of Mexico on the coast of Florida, to pursue such investigation in fish culture and biology as may be practicable, without cost to the Government, under such rules and regulations as may be from time to time prescribed by the Secretary of Interior.
20 U.S. Code § 92 - Admissions to marine biological station for pursuit of investigations
Section consists of section 2 of act Mar. 1, 1911. Section 1 thereof authorizing the establishment of the marine biological station on the Gulf coast of the State of Florida, referred to in text, on the condition that the State of Florida donate the necessary land and water rights, is not classified to the Code. The provisions of said section 1 requiring donation of the required land and water rights by the State were amended by act Aug. 1, 1914, ch. 223, § 1, 38 Stat. 665, which authorized the donation of the required land and water rights by a corporation, firm, or individual in addition to the State.
“Secretary of Commerce” substituted in text for “Secretary of Commerce and Labor” pursuant to act Mar. 4, 1913, which changed name of Department of Commerce and Labor to Department of Commerce.
The Fish and Wildlife Service established a marine biological station at Sarasota, Florida, during the year 1948.
Secretary of Commerce was authorized to dispose of the marine biological station at Key West, Fla., by act Apr. 29, 1929, ch. 2, 46 Stat. 2.
Under communication of the Fish and Wildlife Service dated Nov. 12, 1940, it was stated the land on which was situated this station was reconveyed to the Key West Realty Company by quit claim deed executed by the Secretary of Commerce.
Bureau of Fisheries in Department of Commerce which administered marine biological station referred to in text under supervision of Secretary of Commerce transferred to Department of the Interior under direction of Secretary of the Interior by Reorg. Plan No. II of 1939, set out in the Appendix to Title 5, Government Organization and Employees, and by Reorg. Plan No. III of 1940, set out in the Appendix to Title 5. Bureau of Fisheries consolidated with Bureau of Biological Survey into Fish and Wildlife Service in Department of the Interior and under supervision of Secretary of the Interior, which was succeeded by United States Fish and Wildlife Service, see section 742b of Title 16, Conservation.