In carrying out subsection (a), the Secretary is authorized to provide technical assistance regarding policies and programs for training and retraining, job search and employment services, unemployment insurance, occupational safety and health protection, labor-management relations, labor statistics, analysis of productivity constraints, entrepreneurial support for small businesses, market-driven systems of wage and income determinations, job creation, employment security, the observance of internationally recognized worker rights (including freedom of association and the right to organize and bargain collectively), and other matters that the Secretary may deem appropriate regarding free labor markets and labor organizations.
In carrying out the responsibilities established by this section, the Secretary shall seek information and advice from, and consult with, appropriate officers of the United States.
For purposes of this section, consultation between the Secretary and United States labor and business representatives shall not be subject to chapter 10 of title 5.
The Secretary shall delegate the authority to carry out the programs authorized by this section to the head of the Bureau of International Labor Affairs of the Department of Labor.