If a finding under this subtitle [1] or an amendment made by this subtitle, a prohibition, condition, or penalty imposed as a result of any such finding, or a penalty imposed under this subtitle [1] or an amendment made by this subtitle, is based on classified information (as defined in section 1(a) of the Classified Information Procedures Act (18 U.S.C. App.)), law enforcement information, or any other information protected from disclosure by statute, and a court reviews the finding or the imposition of the prohibition, condition, or penalty, the Secretary of the Treasury may submit such information to the court ex parte and in camera.
Nothing in this section shall be construed to confer or imply any right to judicial review of any finding under this subtitle 1 or an amendment made by this subtitle, any prohibition, condition, or penalty imposed as a result of any such finding, or any penalty imposed under this subtitle 1 or an amendment made by this subtitle.