No entity receiving support from the Corporation under subchapter II of this chapter may receive more than an amount equal to 5 percent of the Corporation’s maximum contingent liability authorized under section 9633 of this title.
The Corporation should give preferential consideration to projects sponsored by or involving private sector entities that are United States persons.
Not less frequently than annually, the Corporation shall consult with the United States Trade Representative with respect to the status of countries eligible to receive support from the Corporation under subchapter II of this chapter and the compliance of those countries with their international trade obligations.
The Corporation shall give preferential consideration to providing support under subchapter II of this chapter for projects in countries in compliance with or making substantial progress coming into compliance with their international trade obligations.
The Corporation shall only support projects under subchapter II of this chapter in countries that are taking steps to adopt and implement laws that extend internationally recognized worker rights (as defined in section 2467 of title 19) to workers in that country, including any designated zone in that country.
The Corporation shall also include the following language, in substantially the following form, in all contracts which the Corporation enters into with persons receiving support under subchapter II of this chapter: “The person receiving support agrees not to take actions to prevent employees of the foreign enterprise from lawfully exercising their right of association and their right to organize and bargain collectively. The person further agrees to observe applicable laws relating to a minimum age for employment of children, acceptable conditions of work with respect to minimum wages, hours of work, and occupational health and safety, and not to use forced labor or the worst forms of child labor (as defined in section 507 of the Trade Act of 1974 (19 U.S.C. 2467)). The person is not responsible under this paragraph for the actions of a foreign government.”.
In utilizing its authorities under subchapter II of this chapter, the Corporation shall consider the impacts of its support on women’s economic opportunities and outcomes and shall prioritize the reduction of gender gaps and maximize development impact by working to improve women’s economic opportunities.
The Corporation should rely on both third-party indicators and United States Government information, such as the Department of State’s Investment Climate Statements, the Department of Commerce’s Country Commercial Guides, or the Millennium Challenge Corporation’s Constraints Analysis, to assess whether countries meet the conditions described in paragraph (1).
In providing support for projects under subchapter II of this chapter, the Corporation shall consider, using information readily available, whether the project is sponsored by or substantially affiliated with any person taking or knowingly agreeing to take actions, or having taken or knowingly agreed to take actions within the past 3 years, which demonstrate or otherwise evidence intent to comply with, further, or support any boycott described in section 4842(a) of title 50.