- § 1621. Definitions
- § 1622. Establishment of International Claims Commission
- § 1622a. Transfer of Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the United States to Department of Justice
- § 1622b. Transfer of functions, powers, and duties of Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the United States
- § 1622c. Membership of Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the United States
- § 1622d. Appointment and compensation of officers and employees of Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the United States; allowances and benefits; utilization of other Federal facilities
- § 1622e. Vesting of all non-adjudicatory functions, powers, and duties in Chairman of Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the United States
- § 1622f. Administrative support and services to Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the United States by Attorney General
- § 1622g. Independence of Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the United States; finality of Commission decisions
- § 1623. Claims
- § 1624. Certification of awards; certification of claims
- § 1625. Omitted
- § 1626. Payments
- § 1627. Creation of special funds in Treasury
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22 U.S. Code Subchapter I - GENERAL PROVISIONS
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Editorial Notes
1955—Sections 1621 to 1627 of this title, which constituted the International Claims Settlement Act of 1949, were designated title I of such Act, herein referred to as subchapter I for purposes of codification, by act Aug. 9, 1955, ch. 645, § 1, 69 Stat. 562.