- § 4101. Congressional findings and policy
- § 4102. Definitions
- § 4103. Application
- § 4104. Employee rights
- § 4105. Management rights
- § 4106. Foreign Service Labor Relations Board
- § 4107. Functions of Foreign Service Labor Relations Board
- § 4108. Functions of General Counsel
- § 4109. Judicial review and enforcement
- § 4110. Foreign Service Impasse Disputes Panel
- § 4111. Exclusive recognition
- § 4112. Employees represented
- § 4113. Representation rights and duties
- § 4114. Resolution of implementation disputes
- § 4115. Unfair labor practices
- § 4116. Prevention of unfair labor practices
- § 4117. Standards of conduct for labor organizations
- § 4118. Administrative provisions
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