- § 290k. Acceptance of membership
- § 290k–1. Governor and Alternate Governor
- § 290k–2. Instructions for United States Director
- § 290k–3. Opposition to certain guarantees or investment promotions; independent evaluation of guaranteed investments
- § 290k–4. Consultation with representatives of private sector and of labor organizations on Agency policy directions and operations
- § 290k–5. Applicability of Bretton Woods Agreements Act
- § 290k–6. Restrictions
- § 290k–7. Federal Reserve banks as depositories
- § 290k–8. Subscription of stock
- § 290k–9. Jurisdiction of United States courts and enforcement of arbitral awards
- § 290k–10. Effectiveness of Convention
- § 290k–11. Arbitral awards; enforcement; full faith and credit; Federal Arbitration Act inapplicable; exclusiveness of district court jurisdiction
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