For purposes of this chapter, the term—
“unauthorized disbursement” means a disbursement made from the trust estate of a deceased Indian which was made by the Secretary to a State or a political subdivision of a State for the purpose of reimbursing the State or political subdivision for any old age assistance made to the deceased Indian before death in violation of Federal laws governing Indian trust property: Provided, That, except for purposes of section 2303 of this title, the term also includes the reimbursements for welfare payments identified in either the list published on April 17, 1985, at page 15290 of volume 50 of the Federal Register, as modified or amended on November 13, 1985, at page 46835 of volume 50 of the Federal Register, or the list published on March 31, 1983, at page 13698 of volume 48 of the Federal Register, as modified or amended on November 7, 1983, at page 51204 of volume 48 of the Federal Register; and
“trust estate” means that portion of the estate that consists of real or personal property, title to which is held by the United States for the benefit of the Indian or which may not be alienated without the consent of the Secretary.
(Pub. L. 98–500, § 2, Oct. 19, 1984, 98 Stat. 2317; Pub. L. 100–153, § 5, Nov. 5, 1987, 101 Stat. 886.)