Any records and findings made by the review committee pursuant to this chapter relating to the identity or cultural affiliation of any cultural items and the return of such items may be admissible in any action brought under section 3013 of this title.
The committee shall make the recommendations under paragraph [2] (c)(5) in consultation with Indian tribes and Native Hawaiian organizations and appropriate scientific and museum groups.
The Secretary shall ensure that the committee established under subsection (a) and the members of the committee have reasonable access to Native American cultural items under review and to associated scientific and historical documents.
The committee established under subsection (a) shall submit an annual report to the Congress on the progress made, and any barriers encountered, in implementing this section during the previous year.
The committee established under subsection (a) shall terminate at the end of the 120-day period beginning on the day the Secretary certifies, in a report submitted to Congress, that the work of the committee has been completed.