For the purposes of this chapter:
The term “Indian agricultural lands” means Indian land, including farmland and rangeland, but excluding Indian forest land, that is used for the production of agricultural products, and Indian lands occupied by industries that support the agricultural community, regardless of whether a formal inspection and land classification has been conducted.
(2) The term “agricultural product” means—
crops grown under cultivated conditions whether used for personal consumption, subsistence, or sold for commercial benefit;
domestic livestock, including cattle, sheep, goats, horses, buffalo, swine, reindeer, fowl, or other animal specifically raised and utilized for food or fiber or as beast of burden;
forage, hay, fodder, feed grains, crop residues and other items grown or harvested for the feeding and care of livestock, sold for commercial profit, or used for other purposes; and
other marketable or traditionally used materials authorized for removal from Indian agricultural lands.
(3) The term “agricultural resource” means—
all the primary means of production, including the land, soil, water, air, plant communities, watersheds, human resources, natural and physical attributes, and man-made developments, which together comprise the agricultural community; and
all the benefits derived from Indian agricultural lands and enterprises, including cultivated and gathered food products, fibers, horticultural products, dyes, cultural or religious condiments, medicines, water, aesthetic, and other traditional values of agriculture.
The term “agricultural resource management plan” means a plan developed under section 3711(b) of this title.
The term “farmland” means Indian land excluding Indian forest land that is used for production of food, feed, fiber, forage and seed oil crops, or other agricultural products, and may be either dryland, irrigated, or irrigated pasture.
The term “Indian tribe” means any Indian tribe, band, nation, pueblo, or other organized group or community, including any Alaska Native village or regional corporation as defined in or established pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.), which is recognized as eligible for the special programs and services provided by the United States to Indians because of their status as Indians.
The term “integrated resource management plan” means the plan developed pursuant to the process used by tribal governments to assess available resources and to provide identified holistic management objectives that include quality of life, production goals and landscape descriptions of all designated resources that may include (but not be limited to) water, fish, wildlife, forestry, agriculture, minerals, and recreation, as well as community and municipal resources, and may include any previously adopted tribal codes and plans related to such resources.
(12) The term “land management activity” means all activities, accomplished in support of the management of Indian agricultural lands, including (but not limited to)—
agricultural lands and on-farm irrigation delivery system development, and the application of state of the art, soil and range conservation management techniques to restore and ensure the productive potential of Indian lands;
protection against agricultural pests, including development, implementation, and evaluation of integrated pest management programs to control noxious weeds, undesirable vegetation, and vertebrate or invertebrate agricultural pests;
administration and supervision of agricultural leasing and permitting activities, including determination of proper land use, carrying capacities, and proper stocking rates of livestock, appraisal, advertisement, negotiation, contract preparation, collecting, recording, and distributing lease rental receipts;
The term “rangeland” means Indian land, excluding Indian forest land, on which the native vegetation is predominantly grasses, grass-like plants, forbs, half-shrubs or shrubs suitable for grazing or browsing use, and includes lands revegetated naturally or artificially to provide a forage cover that is managed as native vegetation.