- § 1621. Indian Health Care Improvement Fund
- § 1621a. Catastrophic Health Emergency Fund
- § 1621b. Health promotion and disease prevention services
- § 1621c. Diabetes prevention, treatment, and control
- § 1621d. Other authority for provision of services
- § 1621e. Reimbursement from certain third parties of costs of health services
- § 1621f. Crediting of reimbursements
- § 1621g. Health services research
- § 1621h. Mental health prevention and treatment services
- § 1621i. Managed care feasibility study
- § 1621j. California contract health services demonstration program
- § 1621k. Coverage of screening mammography
- § 1621l. Patient travel costs
- § 1621m. Epidemiology centers
- § 1621n. Comprehensive school health education programs
- § 1621o. Indian youth grant program
- § 1621p. American Indians Into Psychology Program
- § 1621q. Prevention, control, and elimination of communicable and infectious diseases
- § 1621r. Contract health services payment study
- § 1621s. Prompt action on payment of claims
- § 1621t. Licensing
- § 1621u. Liability for payment
- § 1621v. Offices of Indian Men’s Health and Indian Women’s Health
- § 1621w. Repealed. Pub. L. 111–148, title X, § 10221(a), Mar. 23, 2010, 124 Stat. 935
- § 1621x. Limitation on use of funds
- § 1621y. Contract health service administration and disbursement formula
- § 1622. Transferred
- § 1623. Special rules relating to Indians
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