Every hoist used to transport persons at a coal mine shall be equipped with overspeed, overwind, and automatic stop controls. Every hoist handling platforms, cages, or other devices used to transport persons shall be equipped with brakes capable of stopping the fully loaded platform, cage, or other device; with hoisting cable adequately strong to sustain the fully loaded platform, cage, or other device; and have a proper margin of safety. Cages, platforms, or other devices which are used to transport persons in shafts and slopes shall be equipped with safety catches or other no less effective devices approved by the Secretary that act quickly and effectively in an emergency, and such catches shall be tested at least once every two months. Hoisting equipment, including automatic elevators, that is used to transport persons shall be examined daily. Where persons are transported into, or out of, a coal mine by hoists, a qualified hoisting engineer shall be on duty while any person is underground, except that no such engineer shall be required for automatically operated cages, platforms, or elevators.
Other safeguards adequate, in the judgment of an authorized representative of the Secretary, to minimize hazards with respect to transportation of men and materials shall be provided.
Hoists shall have rated capacities consistent with the loads handled and the recommended safety factors of the ropes used. An accurate and reliable indicator of the position of the cage, platform, skip, bucket, or cars shall be provided.
There shall be at least two effective methods approved by the Secretary of signaling between each of the shaft stations and the hoist room, one of which shall be a telephone or speaking tube.
Each locomotive and haulage car used in an underground coal mine shall be equipped with automatic brakes, where space permits. Where space does not permit automatic brakes, locomotives and haulage cars shall be subject to speed reduction gear, or other similar devices approved by the Secretary which are designed to stop the locomotives and haulage cars with the proper margin of safety.
All haulage equipment acquired by an operator of a coal mine on or after one year after the operative date of this subchapter shall be equipped with automatic couplers which couple by impact and uncouple without the necessity of persons going between the ends of such equipment. All haulage equipment without automatic couplers in use in a mine on the operative date of this subchapter shall also be so equipped within four years after the operative date of this subchapter.