- § 1411. Prohibited activities by United States citizens
- § 1412. Licenses for exploration and permits for commercial recovery
- § 1413. License and permit applications, review, and certification
- § 1414. License and permit fees
- § 1415. License and permit terms, conditions, and restrictions; issuance and transfer of licenses and permits
- § 1416. Denial of certification of applications and of issuance, transfer, suspension, and revocation of licenses and permits; suspension and modification of activities
- § 1417. Duration of licenses and permits
- § 1418. Diligence requirements
- § 1419. Protection of the environment
- § 1420. Conservation of natural resources
- § 1421. Prevention of interference with other uses of the high seas
- § 1422. Safety of life and property at sea
- § 1423. Records, audits, and public disclosure
- § 1424. Monitoring of activities of licensees and permittees
- § 1425. Relinquishment, surrender, and transfer of licenses and permits
- § 1426. Public notice and hearings
- § 1427. Civil actions
- § 1428. Reciprocating states
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