Quick search by citation:
33 U.S. Code § 745a - Repealed. Pub. L. 116–283, div. G, title LVXXXV [LXXXV], § 8512(a)(6), Jan. 1, 2021, 134 Stat. 4759
Section, act May 13, 1938, ch. 215, § 1, 52 Stat. 353; 1939 Reorg. Plan No. II, § 2(a), eff. July 1, 1939, 4 F.R. 2731, 53 Stat. 1432; Pub. L. 89–670, § 6(b)(1), Oct. 15, 1966, 80 Stat. 938, related to traveling expenses of new appointees to isolated posts outside the United States.