- § 3021. Original appointments and reappointments
- § 3022. Personnel boards
- § 3023. Separation of ensigns found not fully qualified
- § 3024. Promotion by selection to permanent grades above lieutenant (junior grade)
- § 3025. Length of service for promotion purposes
- § 3026. Appointments and promotions to permanent grades
- § 3027. General qualification of officers for promotion to higher permanent grade
- § 3028. Positions of importance and responsibility
- § 3029. Temporary appointments
- § 3030. Temporary appointment or advancement of commissioned officers in time of war or national emergency
- § 3031. Pay and allowances; date of acceptance of promotion
- § 3032. Service credit as deck officer or junior engineer for promotion purposes
- § 3033. Suspension during war or emergency
- § 3034. Officer candidates
- § 3035. Procurement of personnel
- § 3036. Career flexibility to enhance retention of officers
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