- § 331. General bonus authority for enlisted members
- § 332. General bonus authority for officers
- § 333. Special bonus and incentive pay authorities for nuclear officers
- § 334. Special aviation incentive pay and bonus authorities for officers
- § 334a. Special aviation incentive pay and bonus authorities: enlisted members who operate remotely piloted aircraft
- § 335. Special bonus and incentive pay authorities for officers in health professions
- § 336. Contracting bonus for cadets and midshipmen enrolled in the Senior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps
- § 351. Hazardous duty pay
- § 352. Assignment pay or special duty pay
- § 353. Skill incentive pay or proficiency bonus
- § 354. Special pay: 15-year career status bonus for members entering service on or after August 1, 1986
- § 355. Special pay: retention incentives for members qualified in critical military skills or assigned to high priority units
- § 356. Continuation pay: full TSP members with 8 to 12 years of service
- § 357. Incentive pay authorities for members of the reserve components of the armed forces
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