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  1. § 7311. Quality assurance
  2. § 7311A. Quality management officers
  3. § 7312. Special medical advisory group
  4. § 7313. Advisory committees: affiliated institutions
  5. § 7314. Geriatric research, education, and clinical centers
  6. § 7315. Geriatrics and Gerontology Advisory Committee
  7. § 7316. Malpractice and negligence suits: defense by United States
  8. § 7317. Hazardous research projects: indemnification of contractors
  9. § 7318. National Center for Preventive Health
  10. § 7319. Mammography quality standards
  11. § 7320. Centers for mental illness research, education, and clinical activities
  12. § 7321. Committee on Care of Severely Chronically Mentally Ill Veterans
  13. § 7321A. Committee on Care of Veterans with Traumatic Brain Injury
  14. § 7322. Breast cancer mammography policy
  15. § 7323. Required consultations with nurses
  16. § 7324. Annual report on use of authorities to enhance retention of experienced nurses
  17. § 7325. Medical emergency preparedness centers
  18. § 7326. Education and training programs on medical response to consequences of terrorist activities
  19. § 7327. Centers for research, education, and clinical activities on complex multi-trauma associated with combat injuries
  20. § 7328. Medical preparedness centers
  21. § 7329. Parkinson’s Disease research, education, and clinical centers
  22. § 7330. Multiple sclerosis centers of excellence
  23. § 7330A. Epilepsy centers of excellence
  24. § 7330B. Annual report on Veterans Health Administration and furnishing of hospital care, medical services, and nursing home care
  25. § 7330C. Quadrennial Veterans Health Administration review
  26. § 7330D. Inapplicability of Paperwork Reduction Act to research activities
Editorial Notes
Prior Provisions

A prior subchapter II of this chapter consisting of sections 4121 to 4124, related to Regional Medical Education Centers, prior to repeal by Pub. L. 102–40, title IV, § 401(a)(3), May 7, 1991, 105 Stat. 210. See Prior Provisions notes set out under section 4114 of this title.