- § 7401. Appointments in Veterans Health Administration
- § 7402. Qualifications of appointees
- § 7403. Period of appointments; promotions
- § 7404. Grades and pay scales
- § 7404A. Awards
- § 7405. Temporary full-time appointments, part-time appointments, and without-compensation appointments
- § 7406. Residencies and internships
- § 7407. Administrative provisions for section 7405 and 7406 appointments
- § 7408. Appointment of additional employees
- § 7409. Contracts for scarce medical specialist services
- § 7410. Additional pay authorities
- § 7411. Full-time board-certified physicians and dentists: reimbursement of continuing professional education expenses
- § 7412. Annual determination of staffing shortages; recruitment and appointment for needed occupations
- § 7413. Treatment of podiatrists; clinical oversight standards
- § 7414. Compliance with requirements for examining qualifications and clinical abilities of health care professionals
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38 U.S. Code Chapter 74 Subchapter I Part V - APPOINTMENTS
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