The term “eligible entity” means a State educational agency, a State Commission, a territory, an Indian tribe, an institution of higher education, or a public or private nonprofit organization (including community-based entities), a public or private elementary school or secondary school, a local educational agency, a consortium of such entities, or a consortium of 2 or more such entities and a for-profit organization.
The term “youth engagement zone” means the area in which a youth engagement zone program is carried out.
From the amounts appropriated to carry out this part for a fiscal year, the Corporation may make grants (which may include approved summer of service positions in the case of a grant for a program described in subsection (c)(8)) and fixed-amount grants (in accordance with section 12581(l) of this title) to eligible entities or eligible partnerships, as appropriate, for programs and activities described in subsection (c).
To be eligible to receive a grant to carry out a program or activity under this part, an entity or partnership, as appropriate, shall prepare and submit to the Corporation an application at such time and in such manner as the Chief Executive Officer may reasonably require, and obtain approval of the application.
Each program or activity funded under this part shall be carried out over a period of 3 years, which may include 1 planning year. In the case of a program funded under this part, the 3-year period may be extended by 1 year, if the program meets performance levels established in accordance with section 12639(k) of this title and any other criteria determined by the Corporation.
Each entity carrying out a program or activity funded under this part shall, to the extent practicable, collaborate with entities carrying out programs under this division, division C, and titles I and II of the Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973 (42 U.S.C. 4951 et seq., 5001 et seq.).
Not later than 4 years after the effective date of the Serve America Act, the Corporation shall conduct an independent evaluation of the programs and activities carried out using funds made available under this part, and determine best practices relating to service-learning and recommendations for improvement of those programs and activities. The Corporation shall widely disseminate the results of the evaluations, and information on the best practices and recommendations to the service community through multiple channels, including the Corporation’s Resource Center or a clearinghouse of effective strategies.