For purposes of activities conducted under this chapter, the Secretary shall identify and have in effect a contract with a consensus-based entity, such as the National Quality Forum, that meets the requirements described in subsection (c). Such contract shall provide that the entity will perform the duties described in subsection (b).
As soon as practicable after July 15, 2008, the Secretary shall enter into the first contract under paragraph (1).
A contract under paragraph (1) shall be for a period of 4 years (except as may be renewed after a subsequent bidding process).
Competitive procedures (as defined in section 132 of title 41) shall be used to enter into a contract under paragraph (1).
The entity shall establish and implement a process to ensure that measures endorsed under paragraph (2) are updated (or retired if obsolete) as new evidence is developed.
The entity may provide input to the Secretary on quality and efficiency measures described in paragraph (7)(B) that could be considered for removal.
The entity shall provide for the review and, as appropriate, the endorsement of the episode grouper developed by the Secretary under section 1395w–4(n)(9)(A) of this title. Such review shall be conducted on an expedited basis.
Data sets (such as the outcome and assessment information set for home health services and the minimum data set for skilled nursing facility services) that are used for purposes of classification systems used in establishing payment rates under this subchapter shall not be quality and efficiency measures described in this subparagraph.
In this paragraph, the term “multi-stakeholder group” means, with respect to a quality and efficiency measure, a voluntary collaborative of organizations representing a broad group of stakeholders interested in or affected by the use of such quality and efficiency measure.
Not later than February 1 of each year (beginning with 2012), the entity shall transmit to the Secretary the input of multi-stakeholder groups provided under paragraph (7).
With respect to matters related to the contract with the Secretary under subsection (a), the entity conducts its business in an open and transparent manner and provides the opportunity for public comment on its activities.
The entity operates as a voluntary consensus standards setting organization as defined for purposes of section 12(d) of the National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995 (Public Law 104–113) and Office of Management and Budget Revised Circular A–119 (published in the Federal Register on February 10, 1998).
The entity has at least 4 years of experience in establishing national consensus standards.
If the entity requires a membership fee for participation in the functions of the entity, such fees shall be reasonable and adjusted based on the capacity of the potential member to pay the fee. In no case shall membership fees pose a barrier to the participation of individuals or groups with low or nominal resources to participate in the functions of the entity.
By not later than September 30 of each year (beginning with 2021), the Secretary shall submit to Congress a report on the amount of unobligated balances for appropriations relating to quality measurement. Such report shall include detailed plans on how the Secretary expects to expend such unobligated balances in the upcoming fiscal years.