The Board shall appoint the president of the Corporation, who shall be a member of the bar of the highest court of a State and shall be a non-voting ex officio member of the Board, and such other officers as the Board determines to be necessary. No officer of the Corporation may receive any salary or other compensation for services from any source other than the Corporation during his period of employment by the Corporation, except as authorized by the Board. All officers shall serve at the pleasure of the Board.
No member of the Board may participate in any decision, action, or recommendation with respect to any matter which directly benefits such member or pertains specifically to any firm or organization with which such member is then associated or has been associated within a period of two years.
Officers and employees of the Corporation shall be compensated at rates determined by the Board, but not in excess of the rate of level V of the Executive Schedule specified in section 5316 of title 5.
Officers and employees of the Corporation shall be considered officers and employees of the Federal Government for purposes of the following provisions of title 5: subchapter I of chapter 81 (relating to compensation for work injuries); chapter 83 (relating to civil service retirement); chapter 87 (relating to life insurance); and chapter 89 (relating to health insurance). The Corporation shall make contributions at the same rates applicable to agencies of the Federal Government under the provisions referred to in this subsection.
The Corporation and its officers and employees shall be subject to the provisions of section 552 of title 5 (relating to freedom of information).